In the year 22 BBY, a funeral service took place for Shmi Skywalker Lars. This solemn event occurred at the Lars moisture farm located on the desert planet of Tatooine. This service commemorated her death, which happened a single month after she was abducted and held against her will by the Tusken Raiders. Her body was located at the Tusken Raider camp by her son, the Padawan learner Anakin Skywalker. Anakin brought her remains back to the Lars homestead, subsequent to his massacre of the Tusken inhabitants of the camp. Shmi was then interred at the farm, her final resting place marked by a gravestone. Following the demise of her spouse, Cliegg Lars, he was laid to rest beside her. It is believed that their grave markers were later taken away by her stepson, Owen Lars, and stepdaughter, Beru Lars, allegedly as a measure to safeguard Shmi's grandson, Luke, from potential discovery.