G'rho entechment dome

The G'rho entechment dome existed on the world of G'rho (a planet). Following their invasion in 2 BBY, the Ssi-ruuk constructed it. Inside this dome, the Ssi-ruuk performed entechment procedures on the captured G'rho colonists, who had been taken prisoner during the assault.

Approximately four months following the initial invasion, the dome remained under the control of a contingent of Ssi-ruuk, supported by some P'w'eck personnel. The G'rho Underground, consisting of survivors from the attack, had previously launched two unsuccessful attempts to penetrate the dome and demolish it. In both instances, the Ssi-ruuk's advanced technology detected the infiltrators' weaponry, leading to their capture. During a third attempt, Trig Kilwallen infiltrated the dome successfully, carrying no weapons. He disabled the dome's protective shields, which then allowed Seni Kilwallen, piloting her Conjo fighter, to attack and destroy the dome.

