
title: G'rho

Located on the Shiritoku Spur within Wild Space, the planet known as G'rho was characterized by its forests abundant with juvica. This distant colony was home to settlers who farmed duncows and established Boku Settlement close to a significant deposit of crimson ore. The family of Dev Sibwarra relocated to this planet from Chandrila not long after his birth in 11 BBY, seeking refuge.


In 2 BBY, the [Ssi-ruuvi Imperium](/article/ssi-ruuvi_imperium], originating from the Unknown Regions, launched an attack on G'rho. Dev Sibwarra was taken prisoner for research purposes, while the remaining inhabitants were either killed during the assault or subjected to entechment by the Ssi-ruuk.

Soon after the attack, Emperor Palpatine, who was secretly allied with the Imperium, concealed the events that transpired on the colony. He falsely attributed the attack to the Alliance to Restore the Republic instead. Subsequently, the Ssi-ruuvi Imperium constructed a dome on the planet's surface to initiate the entechment process on the colonists.

Behind the scenes

A factual error exists in the PC video game Star Wars: Rebellion, where G'rho is incorrectly situated within the Xappyh sector.

