The Ilwizzt were a sentient species characterized by their mahogany-toned skin and a distinctive trunk. When they engaged in conversation, this trunk would notably flare and vibrate. An Ilwizzt named Brco achieved the rank of major within the G'rho Defense Force. In 1 BBY, while in command, a Ssi-ruuvi strike-force invaded the Wild Space planet. Brco commanded the G'rho's Conjo fighters to engage, but he and almost all colonists were captured by the Ssi-ruuk.
Sporting mahogany-colored skin, the Ilwizzt were a sentient species. A prominent trunk was their defining facial characteristic, featuring two nostrils at its tip that would flare when Ilwizzt expressed emotion through speech. This flexible trunk would move during conversation, often pointing towards the person they were addressing. Despite this unusual anatomy, the Ilwizzt could communicate in Galactic Basic Standard, albeit with a distinctive buzzing accent produced by their trunks.

During the concluding years of the Galactic Empire, the Ilwizzt were among the inhabitants of the galaxy. Brco, an Ilwizzt, resided on G'rho, a desolate and sparsely populated Chandrilan colony situated in Wild Space. Despite being viewed as somewhat dull by some locals, Brco rose to the rank of major in the G'rho Defense Force. The Defense Force, based near Boku Settlement, the only population center on the planet, was where Brco oversaw the G'rho militia. The militia consisted of a single system patrol vessel and three squadrons of atmospheric Conjo fighters.
When Boku Settlement was raided by the Ssi-ruuvi Imperium in 2 BBY, Brco was in command. The Imperium, composed of the reptilian Ssi-ruuk, was located within a globular star cluster in Wild Space. After an unsuccessful attempt to communicate, Brco ordered an attack with his Conjo fighters; however, these squadrons were not strong enough to repel the Ssi-ruuvi forces. The Ssi-ruuk attacked the Ilwizzt's headquarters with gas grenades to incapacitate those inside. Brco managed to order an evacuation of his office just before the gas took effect. Despite the Ilwizzt's efforts, the Ssi-ruuk successfully conquered G'rho. Despite a short-lived resistance by a small group of colonists, nearly all of the planet's inhabitants were subjected to entechment by the Ssi-ruuk, a process that drained their life energy into battery coils. The raid was later reported by Imperial HoloVision on 32:4:2, but it was falsely attributed to the Rebel Alliance.
The Ilwizzt received mention in The Truce at Bakura Sourcebook, a sourcebook by West End Games that was released in 1996. Kathy Tyers, who also authored the novel The Truce at Bakura, which the sourcebook was designed to accompany, created them.