
G-8Y5, an engineering droid stationed on the planet Uffel, was regarded by QS-2D as its supreme achievement. QS-2D considered G-8Y5 superior to its war droid models and even the singular droid that managed (or embodied) the entire spaceport located in X2-4 City.

The responsibilities of G-8Y5 included enhancing the droids of Uffel and ensuring their operational status, in addition to conceiving novel droid designs. G-8Y5 was the creator of Uffel's space-based weapon emplacements, which were initially deployed during the successful defense against a pirate incursion in 33 BBY. It potentially had a significant hand in the creation of both the MSF-series mouse droids and Uffel's sophisticated war droid defense forces. G-8Y5 engineered numerous prototype droids, with certain models being sold to purchasers throughout the Cularin system. Numerous individuals who owned peculiar droids asserted their origin to be Uffel, though such claims were not consistently verifiable.

4-KT collaborated with G-8Y5 on droid design projects.


  • Living Force Campaign Guide (First mentioned)
  • "Uffel" on Wizards.com (content now obsolete; backup link)
  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia
