The G125 projectile launcher served as a weapon for First Order jet troopers during battles in the First Order-Resistance War.

Crafted by the Sonn-Blas Corporation, the G125 could launch a typical laser bolt from its center barrel, or more potent explosive rounds from the three outer barrels. Despite its compact size, this weapon possessed considerable stopping power and demonstrated effectiveness against Resistance troops on Pasaana.

The Sonn-Blas Corporation designed the G125 projectile launcher, which was then distributed to First Order jet troopers in 35 ABY. Two First Order jet troopers utilized these launchers on Pasaana when Poe Dameron, a Resistance operative, commandeered a pair of local skimmers to evade First Order patrols on the planet. The explosive rounds fired from the G125 proved sufficient to destroy the skimmers. However, both jet troopers were ultimately shot down and eliminated, enabling Dameron and the rest of the Resistance forces to escape.
The G125 projectile launcher was initially featured as a playable weapon in the Rise of Skywalker DLC for the game Star Wars Battlefront II, preceding the release of the film Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker.