Galak served as a volunteer soldier within the ranks of the Royal Naboo Security Forces.
Hailing from Naboo, Galak's military instruction was partly overseen by Captain Quarsh Panaka at the Royal House of Learning. Before the Trade Federation invasion, Galak, along with Arani Korden, Rorworr, and Rann I-Kanu, was assigned by Rann's superior to locate a suspected band of smugglers concealed in a base near Theed. Arani managed to obtain the location of the group from one of her contacts after a few days. Upon finding the smugglers, they discovered a clandestine base of operations led by Saidle Frex. They triumphed over Frex and his associates, successfully liberating the kidnapped archaeology professor Tasrah Boh during the encounter. At 15 years old, he participated to a small extent as a member of the Naboo Underground in the defense of Naboo against the invading Trade Federation forces in 32 BBY.