Rorworr, a male Wookiee born in 49 BBY, resided on Naboo alongside his father, who served as an ambassador. He attended the Royal House of Learning in Theed, Naboo's capital city, with the assistance of his translator droid, TD0-2, and frequently ventured into the surrounding wilderness. Driven by a thirst for adventure, the Wookiee aided the Jedi Rann I-Kanu in uncovering and thwarting a veermok smuggling operation.
In 32 BBY, when the Trade Federation invaded Naboo, Rorworr played a role in the planet's defense. As a member of both the Naboo Resistance and the Naboo Underground, he was involved in freeing numerous military and civilian prisoners and facilitating the undetected entry of Queen Amidala's forces into Theed. During the battle, the Wookiee contributed by diverting enemy troops away from Amidala's main force, destroying a Vulture droid in Theed's Palace Plaza, and intercepting a counterfeit treaty created by the Trade Federation.
Following Naboo's liberation, Rorworr remained in service to its people. He assisted in the defeat of Savor Kibbs and supported the establishment of a colony on Ohma-D'un, Naboo's largest moon. Later, Rorworr became an operative of the Galactic Republic, working as a scout for Supreme Chancellor Palpatine and the Jedi Council on various missions until the conclusion of the Clone Wars.
After the rise of the Galactic Empire, the Wookiee became an agent and pilot for the Rebellion, engaging in gunrunning and intelligence gathering. His interception of Imperial High Inquisitor Volytar at the Battle of Skorrupon earned him recognition as a hero of Skorrupon within the Rebellion.
With the founding of the New Republic, Rorworr transitioned from military service to become an independent explorer and adventurer, gaining renown for his opposition to the exploitation of wilderness planets and their native species.
Born on Kashyyyk in 49 BBY, Rorworr, a male Wookiee, was brought to Naboo as a child when his father took on the role of ambassador between the two planets. This position enabled Rorworr to attend the Royal House of Learning in Theed, the capital city of Naboo, with the aid of his translator droid, TD0-2. There, the Wookiee started learning to fly spacecraft, practicing with local N-1 starfighters. He also formed friendships with other students, including Jedi Padawan Sia-Lan Wezz; Dané, a young girl secretly training to become a handmaiden; Galak, a volunteer in the Royal Naboo Security Forces; Arani Korden, the Theed-born daughter of a House Korden noble; and Deel Surool, a Twi'lek whose affluent parents established a trading emporium on Naboo.
As a youth, Rorworr possessed a strong desire to explore the regions outside Theed, often leaving school for extended periods. The Wookiee's inquisitiveness led him to discover many hidden locations. At times, he encountered equally curious Gungan explorers, an amphibious species that fascinated him. During a field trip, he became friends with Toba, a brave Gungan and the eldest son of a prosperous family from Otoh Gunga. Furthermore, Rorworr enjoyed stargazing during his adventures.
Jedi Master Ali-Vor eventually brought his Padawan, Rann I-Kanu, to Naboo to further his training. Ali-Vor enrolled I-Kanu in the Royal House of Learning and regularly assigned him tasks. While investigating poachers who were smuggling veermok off-world, Ali-Vor tasked I-Kanu with investigating rumors of smugglers operating from a secret base near Theed, though he considered the rumors unlikely. I-Kanu enlisted the help of Rorworr, Galak, and Korden, friends from the Royal House of Learning, for the investigation. Using a map obtained by one of Korden's contacts, Rorworr led the team to a dilapidated jungle shrine. The group infiltrated the hidden base near the shrine, defeated the smugglers and their leader, Saidle Frex, and rescued Tasrah Boh, an archaeology professor from the House of Learning.
In 32 BBY, the Galactic Senate, the governing body of the Galactic Republic, enacted legislation to tax trade routes to distant star systems. This led to a trade dispute between the Republic and the Trade Federation, a powerful megacorporation, resulting in a blockade of Naboo. Early in the blockade, Rorworr and some other students met with Raymas Daal, a minor criminal, in the Naboo city of Kwilaan. Daal, backed by a new sponsor, offered the team 10,000 credits to temporarily disable a Naboo sensor array outside the city. Daal claimed he wanted to avoid taxes on a rare spice shipment to increase profits, intending to land while the sensor was offline. However, Daal's sponsor was the Trade Federation, which planned to move jamming satellites into Naboo space undetected in preparation for an invasion of the planet. The meeting was interrupted by undercover members of the Royal Naboo Security Forces, who sought to apprehend Daal for questioning, but Daal escaped, along with Rorworr and his companions. Completing Daal's task, the students located the array using Daal's information and, after bypassing four Security Guards and two technicians, disabled it. They returned to Kwilaan to find Daal and collect their payment.
Shortly after, Rorworr and a group including Sia-Lan Wezz, Deel Surool, Dané, Galak, and Arani Korden booked passage off-world on the freighter Crescent, captained by Nuun Pargen of Alderaan. Immediately after takeoff from Theed, Trade Federation droid starfighters attacked the freighter, injuring Nuun's daughter, Inea Pargen. Nuun was forced to make an emergency landing on the Great Grass Plains. Captain Pargen attempted to repair the freighter, and sent Rorworr and his friends back into Theed to get medical supplies for Inea's recovery.

However, the Trade Federation Droid Army began its invasion of the city just as the group acquired their supplies. As they fled Theed, the team faced resistance from B1-Series battle droids and droidekas. They aided a Naboo noble family in balancing luggage on an overloaded speeder to escape the city, freed civilians and Security Guards from a droid prison escort, and resolved a firefight involving outnumbered Security Forces. They avoided the Main Boulevard Bridge, where the bulk of the invading forces entered the city, as well as the Theed Royal Palace. Eventually, they encountered Chee Mobok, a frightened Twi'lek textiles merchant who spoke little Basic. After calming Mobok, the group learned that he had crashed an airspeeder into a nearby pond. Together, they retrieved the speeder and used it to continue their escape.
Rorworr piloted the speeder along a tributary of the Solleu River, over the occupied Main Boulevard Bridge, and onto the river itself. Federation forces on the bridge fired at the speeder, and three Single Trooper Aerial Platforms pursued the group. During the chase, Rorworr's maneuvers caused one STAP to crash into a Multi-Troop Transport, disabling its cooling fins and sinking it in the river. After evading the remaining STAPs, the group abandoned their damaged speeder in Lianorm Swamp.
Mobok was soon attacked by a veermok. After defeating the creature, the group was surrounded by a Gungan patrol. Led by Sergeant Mokem, the patrol escorted Rorworr's group to the edge of Lianorm. They followed the swamp's edge, intending to meet with Captain Pargen, but found that the Crescent had already left. Instead, they found a group of Gran and Rodian pirates fighting a small force of Naboo Security. Rorworr's group intervened, defeating the pirates, but only one Security Guard, Mett Habble, survived.
Habble was one of Governor Sio Bibble's disguised agents, and the organizer of the newly formed Naboo Resistance. Habble guided the group to the Resistance camp, encouraging Rorworr to fly the speeder while he questioned the group about their escape from Theed. Rorworr's team parted ways with Chee Mobok when they arrived at the camp. Habble informed the passengers from the Crescent that although Theed and the Royal Palace had been captured by the forces of Trade Federation Viceroy Nute Gunray, Naboo's Queen Amidala had escaped the planet with two Jedi Knights. After a brief rest, Habble invited the crew to a meeting with two other Resistance leaders, Lieutenant Nathaniel Camaran and Oti Trinta. During the meeting, the crew joined the Resistance.
Rorworr and several other students from the Royal House of Learning were placed under the command of Lucos Dannt, the former headmaster of the school and a leader of the Naboo Underground, a Resistance cell operating in and around Theed. Rorworr's knowledge of the Naboo countryside proved invaluable to the Underground as they worked to undermine the Trade Federation's occupation.
While scouting Theed, Rorworr, Galak, Surool, and Wezz encountered a patrol of four battle droids. They tried to escape, but were cornered in an alley containing STAP wreckage and containers of speeder parts. The group fought and defeated the droids, and Rorworr discovered a datacard in the STAP wreckage containing the location of a Trade Federation internment camp and a list of imprisoned Naboo leaders.
Rorworr participated in several prison breaks over the next week. The Underground learned that recently captured RSF pilots and guards were being held in a lightly guarded building near Theed's central Palace Plaza, and that their confiscated weapons were stored nearby. The prisoners were scheduled to be moved to a more heavily guarded facility soon. Dannt decided that the opportunity to free the prisoners and strengthen the Resistance was too important to miss. Since the other Underground teams were already in the field, Dannt assigned the task of jailbreaking the facility to his former students. Rorworr and a group of students infiltrated Theed and reached the target building, quickly dispatching two Neimoidian guards. They broke into both the holding cells and the armory, distributing the confiscated weapons to the seven prisoners. As the students tried to escort the prisoners to safety, they were ambushed by a small force of Trade Federation OOM security battle droids. The Underground team routed the reinforcements and led the prisoners to the Underground's headquarters. Many of the prisoners joined the Underground, bolstering the resistance movement.
While Rorworr's team was recovering from their previous mission, Dannt introduced them to Lialla Tane, a Resistance operative. Tane explained that she had heard of their exploits and requested their help. She had learned that her parents, Minister of Culture Kyu Tane and his wife, were being held by the Trade Federation in a prison camp on the Street of Glory near the Theed Royal Palace. Tane was concerned for their health, as the Trade Federation was not feeding their prisoners. Tane, who was scheduled to participate in another mission, asked the students to free her parents. She provided information about the opposition they would face, including a battle droid patrol. Lialla advised the team that the prison consisted of unbreakable portable energy walls, and that two Neimoidians overseeing the facility could deactivate an energy gate with a keypad.
When the students arrived on the Street of Glory outside the prison, they approached and negotiated with the Neimoidian overseers, who readily gave them the gate code, before turning their attention to the two Security Droids guarding the gate. After dispatching the droid guards, the students opened the prison. The cell held the Tane family, four Naboo citizens, and one wounded RSF pilot. All of the prisoners were skeptical of their rescuers, and only the Tane family initially agreed to escape. A patrol of four battle droids arrived, alerted by the Neimoidians, and the students had to defeat the patrol before the remaining prisoners were convinced they could be kept safe during the escape. The students escorted the prisoners back to the Naboo Underground, reuniting Lialla and other operatives with their families.
Eventually, Rorworr and his classmates were captured and held in Prison Compound 32, a Trade Federation prison camp built from portable energy walls within Theed. They were imprisoned with Ruto Graven, Queen Amidala's Assistant Minister of Internal Affairs; Private Boraso, an RSF Security Guard; and the artist Ela Sivel. Boraso, wounded in battle, had hidden security tools in his belt, but lacked the expertise to use them.
While talking with the other prisoners, the team was briefly scrutinized by Darth Maul, a Sith Lord. Soon after, the students attempted to escape by distracting the two OOM security battle droids guarding the energy gate while they covertly disabled the gate's control console. The students disabled the gate and grabbed their weapons and gear from a crate outside the prison entrance. Rorworr's group defeated the immediate guards and held off a squad of four B1 battle droids while their cellmates escaped.
At another point during the occupation, Rorworr, Surool, Wezz, and Korden reentered Theed, triggered a Trade Federation trap, and took cover in an alley. Planning to escape through a door at the end of the alley, Rorworr, Korden, and Wezz provided a diversion while Surool attempted to slice the door's electronic lock. The fighters surprised a unit of B1 battle droids and held off their reinforcements. Rorworr's team began to retreat down the alley when two droidekas rolled up. Surool opened the door, and all four students were surprised by what they saw on the other side.

After her unsuccessful efforts to convince the Galactic Senate to intervene and put an end to the Trade Federation's invasion, Queen Amidala made her way back to Naboo. Amidala requested Mett Habble to gather his best people for a planning session, and in response, Habble brought Rorworr and his team to participate. Habble guided the group through Lianorm Swamp, leading them to the landing location of the Queen's royal starship, a J-type 327 Nubian. The Queen and her handmaidens greeted them, along with Captain Quarsh Panaka, the head of the Royal Naboo Security Forces; Boss Nass, the leader of the Gungans; Jar Jar Binks, who was a Gungan; the Jedi Knights Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi; their Force-sensitive charge from Tatooine, Anakin Skywalker; and several Gungan and Underground generals.
During the strategic discussion, Amidala revealed her intention to infiltrate Theed using a concealed passage. The leaders concluded that utilizing a Trade Federation Troop Transport would be the perfect approach to enter undetected, but they recognized the difficulty of obtaining one. It was at this moment that Rorworr's team offered information about the MTT that had sunk into the Solleu during their initial escape from Theed. Armed with this knowledge, the leaders finalized the primary attack strategy.
Boss Nass offered the services of his Gungan engineers, known as the Gungengineeren, to repair and recover the submerged transport; however, his Gungan scouts were unable to find the MTT. Queen Amidala then tasked Rorworr's team with escorting the Gungengineeren to the site, as the crew of the Crescent possessed precise knowledge of the transport's location. The unit was also assigned to protect the Gungengineeren during the operation, as the Queen aimed to reassure the Gungans of the Naboo's commitment to mutual cooperation. Rorworr, along with two others, piloted three unfamiliar tribubble bongos, docking with a hydrostatic bubble to meet up with Koh Pa Wupps and his team of Gungengineers. After loading the engineers and their tools into the submersibles, Wupps guided the group around Lake Paonga, ascending the lower Solleu River and navigating through an underwater passage at the base of the Virdugo Plunge that led to the upper Solleu, carefully avoiding a group of opee sea killers along the way.
Upon locating the sunken MTT, the Gungengineeren commenced their efforts to transport it upriver for repairs, while Rorworr's team patrolled the area in the bongos. A young, orphaned colo claw fish attacked the site, but Rorworr's team successfully defeated it using their piloting skills with the unarmed submersibles.
Rorworr took the helm of the retrofitted MTT, Transport 714, guiding it to the secret passage at the base of Theed's cliff wall. At this location, the team disembarked Amidala, who was disguised as a handmaiden, as well as the handmaiden Sabé, who was disguised as the Queen; Captain Panaka; the Jedi Knights Jinn and Kenobi; Skywalker; the astromech droid R2-D2; and three dozen Naboo troops. Rorworr and his team received the assignment to guard the transport and monitor Federation radio communications using its transponder.
As the Gungan Grand Army diverted the Trade Federation forces away from Theed, PDA-2, the OOM command battle droid left behind to guard the Palace, contacted Transport 714. Using a makeshift vocabulator, Rorworr's team deceived PDA-2 into believing that the transport was too damaged to move independently. PDA-2 then bypassed the transport's manual controls and remotely piloted it to the repair bay within Theed Hangar, inside the city. The unit launched an ambush on the forces of ADO-8, a command battle droid guarding the repair bay. Rorworr's team had another brief run-in with Darth Maul, who quickly departed the repair bay in pursuit of Jinn and Kenobi.
The group made their way outside, finding themselves in front of Theed's Royal Palace, where they encountered Sabé—still disguised as the Queen—along with a small escort of Security Guards and soldiers. Sabé requested the crew's assistance in creating a diversion to allow them to enter the Palace. The team confronted an Armored Assault Tank, a lone STAP patrol, and a squad of eight battle droids, successfully distracting them long enough for Sabé and her retinue to infiltrate the Palace. Rorworr and the other students escaped the Plaza as Royal Security Forces engaged the Trade Federation Army throughout Theed.
The students evaded several battle droid patrols and eventually returned to the Palace Plaza. A Vulture droid, supported by four battle droids, had replaced the previous patrol. The droids were firing upon the occupants of the Plaza—four unarmed civilians, a pair of RSF Guards, and an RSF pilot with an R2-series astromech droid. Rorworr's unit intervened, ultimately securing the Plaza. The severely wounded pilot claimed that the astromech droid contained crucial information and tasked the students with ensuring its delivery to Queen Amidala. Similarly, one of the wounded Security Guards charged Rorworr's team with delivering a diplomatic pouch to Ambassador Kron of Alderaan.

Upon returning to the Royal Hangar, Rorworr's team ambushed the escort of a Neimoidian counterfeiter named Gode Takrab. After interrogating Takrab, they discovered that he had forged a treaty between Naboo and the Trade Federation, and had also doctored a holovid of Queen Amidala endorsing the fraudulent document. Rorworr's team thoroughly searched Takrab's shuttle and eventually located the fake agreement concealed within Takrab's protocol droid, TC-11. Nute Gunray dispatched a squad of battle droids led by RK-7 to secure the shuttle for his own escape. Rorworr's unit was almost overwhelmed, but they managed to hold the shuttle until the Lucrehulk-class Droid Control Ship orbiting the planet was destroyed, effectively neutralizing the droid forces and bringing the battle to an end.
In recognition of their valuable service to Naboo during the weeks of occupation, and their outstanding performance during the Battle of Naboo, Queen Amidala gratefully bestowed the honorary title of Palace Guard upon Rorworr, Wezz, Surool, Korden, Galak, and Dané. Rorworr dedicated the remainder of the day to freeing prisoners from internment camps. Later that day, Captain Pargen and his daughter paid the group a visit. The Crescent had narrowly escaped the pirates and battle droids, but was forced to land under Lake Paonga, where the Gungans eventually rescued the vessel.
That evening, Rorworr and his friends attended a funeral for Qui-Gon Jinn, who had been slain by Darth Maul during the recent battle. During the ceremony, Lucos Dannt, Sabé, and Lialla Tane approached the students. Sabé requested that the members of the disbanded Underground investigate a group of Naboo and Gungan refugees camped in some of Naboo's ancient ruins. It was rumored that the leader of the refugees had plans against the throne and intended to disrupt the Naboo-Gungan alliance. Tane, who had initially reported the camp, accompanied the team as a guide, and the unit set off in a speeder. When a large, falling tree brought the speeder to an abrupt halt, a large, powerfully built Naboo predator known as a grakkt ambushed the craft and its occupants. The venomous creature disabled the group's speeder before being driven off, forcing the team to continue their mission on foot. At one point, Tane accidentally fell into a large pool of quicksand and had to be rescued.
The group persevered through the swamp and stumbled upon a dark grove corrupted by the dark side of the Force. A mutated tangler tree at the center of the grove attacked the team with vines and projectile thorns until they were out of reach. Just outside the refugee camp, the group was attacked by a Force illusion of Darth Maul, secretly conjured by the renegade leader to deter the party from continuing. After overcoming the illusory Sith Lord, Rorworr and his friends discovered the refugee camp hidden among ancient Gungan ruins and were confronted by several of the renegades. Three of the refugees in particular, a tough-looking woman, a Gungan warrior, and an angry young man, criticized Amidala while praising their leader, a charismatic man named Savor Kibbs, who was secretly a rejected Jedi Padawan. Kibbs, deciding that the intruders must be eliminated, attacked the group with Force powers and a reactivated droideka. The party defeated Kibbs and ended the hypnotic influence he held over his followers.
Some time after the invasion was resolved, Rorworr joined a project led by Queen Amidala, Master Kenobi, and Boss Nass to assist in developing a Gungan colony on Naboo's water moon, Ohma-D'un. At the Naboo Civic Spaceport, Rorworr boarded a small Republic Sienar Systems shuttle, the Fair Gale, piloted by Worlohp, an Ithorian. The other passengers—Kharl Vanneb and Sakme Kelene, both graduates of the Theed School of Technology and Engineering; Professor Hallem Celaar, a renowned zoological and botanical expert; as well as Toba and a few of Rorworr's classmates from the Royal House of Learning—were also part of the project.
Just sixteen minutes after takeoff, the Fair Gale collided with an object in Naboo's ionosphere. The impact ruptured the ship's conduit, causing a leak of Kyvalon-4, a gas commonly used in repulsorlift systems. While harmless to most humanoids, the gas induced temporary homicidal insanity in Ithorians. Captain Worlohp entered the passenger bay to report the collision with debris from the Trade Federation Droid Control Ship that had been destroyed during the invasion. After inhaling the Kyvalon-4, the Ithorian became enraged and attacked his passengers. The ensuing struggle damaged several of the ship's vital systems, including its navigation computer and life support systems. The passengers managed to subdue Worlohp, repair the navigation, life support, and repulsor systems, and safely land the shuttle.

Rorworr remained with the Ohma-D'un project for some time, earning a monthly salary of 2,000 credits and joint ownership of the Mystic Burn, a YT-1200 light freighter stored at the colony's moonbase.
As Rorworr matured, his acts of heroism on Naboo eventually led him to serve the Republic as a scout. He frequently traveled to wherever the Republic needed his assistance, often finding himself on small, undeveloped planets due to his skills in survival and exploration. At one point in the Wookiee's career, the Supreme Chancellor's office assigned Rorworr and former members of the Naboo Underground to investigate a hidden island cove on a jungle planet. Their objective was to identify the source supplying the Blue Star Pirates with military-grade weapons. After defeating a pair of pirates within the cove, the investigation team discovered a datacard from the Hyperdrive Cantina, a floating bar on the water planet Vorusku. Following this lead, the team subdued a group of thugs within the cantina. Upon learning that the supplier was a local Vorusku crime lord, they attempted to uncover his identity, which resulted in an ambush in a volcano city by a bounty hunter. After Rorworr and his partners identified the supplier, Jalla Spree, Spree dispatched a droideka to attack the investigation team at a cliffside slaver camp.
Following the Invasion of Naboo, several planets and corporations formed an alliance known as the Confederacy of Independent Systems. These systems seceded from the Republic in protest of perceived corruption within the Republic Senate. This secession led to numerous brutal conflicts across the galaxy, including the devastation of the Ohma-D'un colony, and by 22 BBY, the galaxy was plunged into a full-scale war known as the Clone Wars.
Weeks before the First Battle of Geonosis, which marked the official beginning of the Clone Wars, Rorworr, Sia-Lan Wezz, and Deel Surool encountered Vor'en Kurn, a blue-skinned Human soldier, in a spaceport cantina on Corellia. There, the four thwarted a Separatist assassination attempt targeting Alastar Treen, a Senator from Corulag. Subsequently, the four frequently collaborated. The team faced a diverse range of opponents and situations, including attacks on Battle Droid commanders, investigations of a bounty hunter operating out of the Royal Hutt Hotel, assaults on crime bosses, encounters with Tusken Raiders on Tatooine, cantina brawls with Aqualish and Rodian gangs, an escape from a battle droid garrison, an escape from a Colicoid-run prison in the Spice Mines of Kessel, a Jawa ambush in an abandoned armory, and even encounters with mounted blasters in the darkened corridors of the warlord Grumbog's space station fortress.

The team's exceptional performance resulted in occasional directives originating directly from the Chancellor's office and the esteemed Jedi Council. One such assignment involved the team's investigation into the vanishing of a Republic arsenal ship, which had been assigned the task of decommissioning the Trade Federation's army following their defeat on Naboo. This investigation guided the team to the Kwenn Space Station, where they successfully overcame a number of reactivated battle droids.
On another occasion, the team was dispatched to prevent Corann from becoming the first of the Core Worlds to secede from the Republic. Rorworr's team probed into alleged Separatist activities on the small industrial planet, ultimately uncovering a droid manufacturing facility. In another instance, Chancellor Palpatine himself entrusted the team with the task of investigating a Sith temple located on the snow-covered world of Puloorn. During their journey, they faced encounters with marauders and skillfully navigated treacherous asteroid fields. Within the temple's confines, they confronted dark side creatures and cultists.
Throughout the years, the Wookiee frequently offered recommendations for the development of new worlds, which the Republic often overlooked. At times, recognition for some of Rorworr's discoveries was instead given to Humans with greater political influence. Rorworr also received two formal reprimands during his service with the Republic. One was for his disappearance from an exploration expedition, during which he stumbled upon a lost civilization. Another reprimand was issued for his failure to disclose the existence of a sentient life form he had discovered, following the life form's request. Consequently, Rorworr's disillusionment with the Republic grew, a sentiment he observed was shared by numerous other Wookiees and non-Human species. Despite his concerns, Rorworr remained silent, choosing instead to spend his free time in spacer bars, listening to stories and legends in search of information about unexplored worlds and territories.
The rise of the Galactic Empire brought about a profound transformation in Rorworr's life. He lost most of his clan in an Imperial raid, his own father disappeared after voicing opposition to the newly crowned Emperor Palpatine, and Queen Amidala was murdered. Anakin Skywalker, the young boy Rorworr had encountered during the recapture of Theed, transformed into Darth Vader, Palpatine's apprentice. Many of the Jedi with whom Rorworr had collaborated were brutally killed in a coordinated, galaxy-wide purge known as Order 66. Darth Vader relentlessly pursued the surviving Jedi, resulting in the deaths or disappearances of many, including Rorworr's close companions, Sia-Lan Wezz and Rann I-Kanu. Feeling betrayed by the Republic he had faithfully served, Rorworr swiftly joined the Rebellion to oppose the Empire's oppressive rule.
Within the Rebellion, Rorworr was frequently assigned to monitor the movements of Imperial ships and troops. He often piloted a Rebel RZ-1 A-wing interceptor, having mastered the art of concealing the craft within asteroid fields. On other occasions, he directly engaged with Imperials, exploiting the stereotype of Wookiees as slow-witted creatures to be underestimated. On the ground, Rorworr spent time in cantinas, feigning drunkenness while eavesdropping on soldiers who were unaware that he understood Basic. In one instance, he accepted a position as a freighter pilot, transporting rare foods to Imperial forces on Varlinaar, while secretly smuggling a team of Rebels to steal Imperial battle plans. In another, he successfully liberated an imprisoned Rebel operative from an Imperial detention facility.
In 3 ABY, Rorworr reunited with former members of the defunct Naboo Underground for a vacation on Bespin's Cloud City. As their holiday drew to a close, while the group awaited a shuttle to transport them to an orbiting passenger liner, a group of thugs dragged an elderly man from the waiting area onto the landing platform. A small astromech droid intervened, disrupting the thugs' actions, and the old man promptly requested the group's assistance. After intervening, Rorworr and his companions discovered that the thugs had been hired by a Chevin working for Jabba Desilijic Tiure; that the old man was Doctor Shemza, a renowned scientist sought by the Empire for his research; and that the astromech, Shorty, belonged to Shemza's Rebellion contact. Shemza insisted that he possessed information of vital importance to the Rebellion, and implored the group to accompany him to his contact's transport on Landing Platform 21. The voice of Lando Calrissian, Cloud City's Baron Administrator, echoed through the city's loudspeakers, announcing that the Empire had occupied the city, and advising all citizens to evacuate. Three stormtroopers materialized in the hallway, demanding that Rorworr's group halt. The team subdued the stormtroopers and successfully escaped Cloud City with Doctor Shemza, his Alliance contact, and Shorty.
Rorworr's team participated in a mission to procure blaster rifles for the Rebellion from a Duros smuggler, Hagk Baht, on Tatooine. Upon arriving outside the town of Anchorhead, a particularly severe sandstorm compelled the group to seek shelter inside Tosche Station while awaiting their contact. A squad of Imperial stormtroopers also sought refuge within the mechanic's establishment. A local Pacithhip spice dealer attempted to conceal his illicit goods on the Rebels, while Old Ezrim, a local moisture farmer, began to insist that the group were spice dealers. The argument was interrupted when Baht contacted the team via comlink, explaining that, despite having evaded an Imperial Customs ship by entering the sandstorm, he had limited control over his starship within the turbulent conditions. Baht's transmission abruptly ended as his ship, the Singing Savrip, crashed into the desert. The stormtroopers moved to apprehend the Rebels, but were defeated with the assistance of the lounge's mechanic, Fixer, a pilot named Verzon Tennd, and his droid, Deenine. Upon investigating the crash site of the Singing Savrip, the team discovered that Baht had perished in the impact, but fifty rifles remained intact. Rorworr secured the rifles for the Rebellion.
At some point, Rorworr, Arani Korden, and Deel Surool took part in the Battle of Skorrupon, intercepting High Inquisitor Volytar at his secluded retreat on Skorrupon, as he attempted to board a shuttle and escape to his orbiting Star Destroyer. After battling Volytar and eight destroyer droids in a room riddled with pop-up grenade traps, the three became renowned as the heroes of Skorrupon within the Rebellion, but Rorworr was devastated to receive confirmation of Sia-Lan Wezz's death.
Following the Battle of Endor, Rorworr declined service in the New Republic, the emerging government established by the Rebel Alliance, opting instead to become an independent explorer. Seeking to overcome his grief, Rorworr embarked on a solitary journey across the galaxy, piloting a modified Svelte-class shuttle adorned with a camouflage pattern.
The Wookiee maintained several contacts from his time with the Rebellion, often seeking their assistance when encountering situations that he deemed required attention. Occasionally, young Jedi or New Republic operatives were assigned by their superiors to assist Rorworr. Rorworr prioritized situations involving organizations or individuals attempting to desecrate wilderness planets or enslave their inhabitants. Numerous stories circulated about Rorworr dismantling a Corporate Sector Authority factory, aiding in the evacuation of a threatened animal population, thwarting a Hutt slaving operation, or performing other acts of altruism. Ewoks held a particular fondness for the Wookiee, and Rorworr visited Endor, the Ewok homeworld, multiple times throughout his life.

Rorworr possessed the qualities of a confident, courageous, and intimidating Wookiee, driven by an insatiable curiosity and wanderlust. He was always ready to perform heroic deeds, but his cynicism grew as the Galactic Republic transformed into the Empire. As a result of his actions, "Rorworr" became a well-known name on Naboo, and tales of his heroism spread across more than fifty other worlds. The Wookiee found amusement in the fact that, despite their distinct appearances and scents, he was occasionally mistaken for Chewbacca, another renowned Wookiee in the Rebellion. If it benefited him or the Rebellion, Rorworr would not correct the misidentification. Rorworr was a very expressive Wookiee, capable of emitting mournful hoots or displeased roars. Rorworr disliked being forced to leave behind temporary allies, but he treasured his friendships and was devastated by the loss of any of his longtime companions. Although Rorworr often developed a fondness for young, idealistic heroes, he preferred solitude later in life and rarely remained with any one group for extended periods.
In Shyriiwook, the prefix "Ror" signified "dark, hidden, marsh, swamp," while the suffix "warr" meant "forest, guide, hunter, scout."
Standing at 2.2 meters tall and weighing 140 kilograms, Rorworr was a strong and capable scout and gunslinger. His years of evading predators on Kashyyyk honed his ability to move silently and remain concealed, while his natural Wookiee strength allowed him to dismember battle droids with his bare hands or hurl humanoids with a single arm. He possessed quick reflexes and a remarkable ability to recover from danger. Rorworr was a skilled mechanic, slicer, pilot, astrogator, and pathfinder. The Wookiee could pilot freighters with ease, and his N-1 training on Naboo enabled him to skillfully maneuver most starfighters.
Rorworr was proficient in martial arts, as well as the use of blaster pistols, blaster rifles, most simple weapons, and the bowcaster, a traditional Wookiee weapon. Although he preferred the bowcaster, Rorworr had become adept at quick-drawing blaster pistols. As a Wookiee, Rorworr could only speak Shyriiwook, but he easily understood Basic, Ewokese, Huttese, Mon Calamarian, and Twi'leki without the assistance of his translator droid.
Rorworr was conceived by Wizards of the Coast as an iconic representation of the Scout class, a character role centered on space and on-foot exploration, for their Star Wars Roleplaying Game line. As an iconic character, Rorworr would serve as an illustrative reference for future supplements and provide viewers with the sensation of following the Wookiee's adventures. His initial visual design was created by Adam Hughes and implemented in Star Wars: Invasion of Theed Adventure Game. Doug Alexander Gregory was tasked with aging the design by a few years for inclusion in the Star Wars Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook, and accomplished the goal by asking questions like, "What does a Wookiee's skull look like?" TD0-2 was created by Bill Slavicsek, who recognized the need for Rorworr to communicate with his party without disrupting the suspension of disbelief. Rorworr became one of Art Director Sean Glenn's favorite iconic characters.

A 4" Rorworr Hasbro action figure was included in the box for the Invasion of Theed Adventure Game as an exclusive part of Hasbro's Star Wars: Power of the Jedi toy line. The figure featured six points of articulation and a bowcaster accessory. While the figure's head was a new sculpt, an older Kenner Products toy mold, Chewbacca as Boushh's bounty from the Star Wars: The Power of the Force (1995 toy line) series, was re-used for Rorworr's body. Despite being a Hasbro release, the figure retained the Kenner stamp on the bottom of one of its feet. Rorworr was the first Star Wars character from a non-computer-based roleplaying game to be rendered as an action figure.
Rorworr is frequently used in examples within Wizards of the Coast sourcebooks, and has been documented as having been played by "Penny," and "Mike." In November 2000, during the Roleplaying Game's launch event in Seattle, Peter Mayhew, Chewbacca's costumed actor, played a demonstration game as Rorworr.
In 2001, five Wizards of the Coast original Star Wars characters received three-page biographical articles on Each article provided a brief history and gameplay stats at three different points in each character's life. The first was Dané, in February. Toba, was next, in March, then Kelko in April, and the human Force Adept, Valara Saar, in May. In June, Rorworr was the last original Wizards of the Coast iconic character to receive a web article, written by Jeff Grubb.
In 2003, the video game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, developed by BioWare and set in 3956 BBY, was released. One side quest in the game tasked players with locating a minor Wookiee character sharing the name Rorworr. Though this Rorworr was only found as a corpse, it was revealed that Wookiee had captured several fellow Wookiees and sold them as slaves.
In the Star Wars Roleplaying Game Saga Edition Core Rulebook, the former fringer Kelko replaces Rorworr as the iconic Scout, while Rorworr was pictured as the iconic Gunslinger, a prestige class. Rorworr was still used as both a Scout and a Gunslinger in examples of play.
Roleplaying game adventures are typically designed to account for the unpredictable nature of player actions. For all roleplaying game adventures, this article assumes that the heroes adhere to the general outline and specific goals described in the adventures, without significant deviations.
This article assumes that all example scenarios of Rorworr in the Star Wars Roleplaying Game's Core Rulebook, its successors, and their supplements are canonical within the Legends continuity.

This article assumes Rorworr's participation as a player character in the Star Wars: Invasion of Theed Adventure Game and all supplemental Adventure Games designed to use characters, rules, game tokens, and other assets from Invasion of Theed. These adventures include The Predators, Smugglers of Naboo Fast-Play Game, Signal Interruption, The Fall of Cloud City, A Night at Tosche Station, Peril in the Ionosphere, and Battle in the Streets!
Rorworr is not explicitly mentioned in Secrets of Naboo or the included adventure, Peril on Naboo. However, an image near the end of the adventure depicts the visually distinct Wookiee, alongside Sia-Lan Wezz and Deel Surool, apprehending Gode Takrab and examining his forged holovid, suggesting that Rorworr was among the heroes in the adventure. Rorworr's participation was later confirmed by The Official Star Wars Fact File 91, published by De Agostini.
Rorworr was featured in a live example game with celebrity players during the Seattle RPG Launch Event. Rorworr (Peter Mayhew) accompanies Dorn Tavers (Jake Lloyd), Deel Surool (Drew Struzan), and Vor'en Kurn (Adam Hughes). Dorn Tavers unexpectedly attacked a group of non-humans, requiring Rorworr and the others to support him. However, Tavers soon turned on his allies as well.
Rorworr is depicted in an illustration within the pages of Shadows of Coruscant, an adventure printed in the Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook; however, the illustration does not appear to depict a scene from the adventure.
A Night at Tosche Station, an Adventure Game/Fast Play supplement set during the Rebellion era, suggests that it can be linked to the end of a previous Roleplaying Game supplement, The Storm's Edge, by changing that adventure's setting to be near Anchorhead instead of near Mos Eisley.
A Wookiee resembling Rorworr, along with figures resembling Arani Korden and Rann I-Kanu, is pictured on the wrap-around cover of Tempest Feud, a large adventure written by Jeff Grubb and Owen K.C. Stephens and published in March 2002 by Wizards of the Coast. However, Rorworr is not depicted within the adventure, Scourge, a novelization of Tempest Feud written by Jeff Grubb, was released in 2012 without any references to Rorworr.
The web article "Meet Rorworr: Wookiee Scout" differs from the previous four write-ups of Wizards-original characters. "Meet Rorworr" was credited to Jeff Grubb, while the others were written by Cory J. Herndon. All of the articles include the tag, "Look for [this character]'s equipment in our equipment image gallery!" However, while the other characters' articles twice list, "Use [This character] in a new adventure based on our Adventure Hook Generator," Rorworr's articles are tagged with: "Make Rorworr your hero in our Star Wars fast-play game!" and "Play Rorworr in your Secrets of Tatooine campaign!" While Between Sand and Sky is the only campaign that was packaged with the supplement, Secrets of Tatooine is a sourcebook designed to help develop or create any adventure that involves Tatooine.
Text in The Official Star Wars Fact File 91 identifies Rorworr, Surool, Galak, Korden and "Dane" as members of Mett Habble's Naboo Resistance. While it is probable that Fact File refers to the handmaiden "Dané," all of the images with captions referencing "Dane" instead depict the Jedi Sia-Lan Wezz. The error is reprinted in Part 33 of De Agostini's 2014 revised run of The Official Star Wars Fact File.
Although Rorworr is listed as a participant in the operations of both Mett Habble's Naboo Resistance and Lucos Dannt's Naboo Underground, the two organizations appear to be separate resistance cells. Mett Habble informs the heroes of Queen Amidala's escape to Coruscant within hours of Theed's invasion, and the heroes accompany Habble to a meeting with the Queen shortly after her ship lands in the swamp. However, members of the Naboo Underground are informed that the Queen's fate remains unknown late into the occupation. Furthermore, the Heroes of the Underground are aimlessly patrolling occupied Theed, seemingly unaware that the Queen has returned to Naboo, when they encounter the disguised Sabé within Theed as the second battle for the capital begins.
Peril on Naboo states that the strategy meeting with Queen Amidala's forces, the Gungans, and the Naboo Resistance occurs at the landing site for the Queen's royal starship. However, most other depictions of Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace indicate that the meeting takes place elsewhere, after the Trade Federation forces have located and secured the Queen's ship.
In The First Game Session, an example scenario from the Roleplaying Game: Saga Edition Core Rulebook set weeks before the Battle of Geonosis, the Gamemaster "Michelle" states, "You've all noticed each other, but you don't know each other yet." This contradicts the established idea that Rorworr, Sia-Lan Wezz, and Deel Surool collaborated in the Naboo Underground and the Naboo Resistance. This article assumes that the GM means the characters don't know Vor'en Kurn yet.
A line on page 160 of Galactic Campaign Guide says, "Rorworr takes his ship on a grand tour of the galaxy, eventually falling into obscurity as he tries to forget the loss of Sia-Lan at the battle of Skorrupon." Although Wezz is pictured in in-universe propaganda after the destruction of Alderaan, the concept that Wezz was killed during the Battle of Skorrupon conflicts with the later published Star Wars: Purge, which illustrates the young Jedi being slain by Darth Vader on Kessel within months of Order 66. For the purposes of this article, the line is interpreted as: "At the battle of Skorrupon, Rorworr decides to take his ship on a grand tour of the galaxy, eventually falling into obscurity as he tries to forget the loss of Sia-Lan."