Gana Lavin's father

The father of Gana Lavin, a woman of the Human species, was a figure of great power during the time of conflict known as the Jedi Civil War between the forces of the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire. This man, referred to affectionately as "Daddy" by the younger Lavin, made use of thugs, who Gana would often employ to cause fear in others while she was living on the planet of Taris.


During the era of the Jedi Civil War, amidst the conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire, the Human female known as Gana Lavin had a father who wielded considerable influence. Growing up in the lap of luxury within the Upper City of the city world Taris, located in the Outer Rim, Gana was often viewed as spoiled. Her father, the man she affectionately called "Daddy," was very protective of her and kept thugs on retainer, whom she would frequently utilize to intimidate those who incurred her displeasure. Two of these thugs were Rodians who were armed with vibroblades.

In the year 3956 BBY, Revan, the former Sith Lord who had lost his memories and now believed himself to be a Republic soldier, encountered Lavin at the Upper City Cantina on Taris. She had ordered beverages for herself and a young noble, but they had not yet been served. Becoming impatient, she mistook Revan for a waiter and confronted him, criticizing his clothing and threatening to use her father's connections to get him dismissed. Revan assured her that he would retrieve the drinks, and shortly thereafter, a genuine waiter arrived with the order, resolving the situation.

Behind the scenes

The first reference to Gana Lavin's father appeared in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, a video game released in 2003 and developed by BioWare. The dialogues concerning the father are optional and do not affect the plot, the quests, or the player's alignment in any way.

If the player, assuming the role of Revan, fails a persuasion check or chooses alternative dialogue options when interacting with Gana Lavin, she will flee the cantina with the intention of informing her father about the incident. Upon the player's exit from the cantina, they will be confronted by Lavin and two Rodian thugs brandishing vibroblades. After the player defeats them, Lavin will run off and call for her father.

