Gana Lavin, a woman and member of the Human species, spent her formative years in the Upper City district of the planet, Taris. In the year 3956 BBY, she placed an order for beverages at the Upper City Cantina alongside a companion. Due to a delay in the arrival of her order, she mistakenly identified Revan, a soldier serving the Galactic Republic, as a waiter. This misidentification led to a brief exchange that concluded with the eventual delivery of her drinks.
Gana Lavin, a Human female, hailed from the city world of Taris, situated in the Outer Rim. Growing up in the opulence of the Upper City, her behavior often led to accusations of being spoiled. She was known to employ enforcers under the direction of her father to intimidate others. Throughout the Jedi Civil War between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire, who had blockaded and occupied the planet, she remained on Taris. In 3956 BBY, shortly after the attack on the Republic Hammerhead-class cruiser Endar Spire in orbit above the planet, Lavin was inside the Upper City Cantina, purchasing drinks for herself and a noble.

Revan, the former Dark Lord of the Sith who had lost his memories and now believed he was a Republic soldier, entered the cantina after surviving the conflict in the skies. Despite having ordered their drinks some time previously, Lavin and her companion had not yet been served. When Revan approached Lavin, she mistook him for a waiter, criticizing his clothing and demanding an explanation for the delay in her order's arrival.
Revan apologized and attempted to clarify that he was not employed by the cantina, but Lavin dismissed his explanation and threatened to leverage her father's influence to have him dismissed. Revan calmed her and offered to personally deliver her order. At that moment, a waiter arrived with the drinks for Lavin and her companion, resolving the situation and allowing Revan to depart.
Gana Lavin possessed brown eyes, brown hair, and a fair complexion. When her drink order at the Upper City Cantina was delayed, Lavin became impatient and labeled the cantina staff as incompetent. She openly voiced her disapproval of Revan's attire and insulted him. She frequently depended on her father's authority, even threatening Revan's job when she assumed he was a waiter. Many considered Lavin to be a spoiled individual, and she often resorted to using her father's enforcers to harass those she encountered.
Lavin's attire consisted of a beige and yellow tunic paired with grey pants, brown gloves and boots, and a beige utility belt.

Lavin made an appearance as a non-player character within the 2003 video game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, which was developed by BioWare. Interactions with her are not essential and do not advance any plotlines or quests. Players have the option to completely avoid engaging with Lavin, and as a result, they would never encounter her or her enforcers. During the initial encounter, if Carth Onasi, a Republic Soldier, is present within the player's party, he cautions Revan to carefully consider his words, sensing that any misstep could lead to complications.
Should the player choose to interact with her, they are presented with a range of dialogue options. If the player fails to persuade Lavin or selects an alternative dialogue choice, she will flee from the cantina, declaring that she will speak with her father. Upon the player's departure from the cantina, they will be confronted by Lavin and two Rodian thugs wielding vibroblades in the vicinity of Kebla Yurt's Equipment Emporium. After the player defeats the thugs, Lavin will call out for her "Daddy" and run away. During this encounter, Lavin is depicted with black hair and a different facial model.