Kebla Yurt ran a business named Kebla Yurt's Equipment Emporium. This establishment was situated in the Upper City on the planet of Taris. Kebla Yurt herself was the owner. The store primarily sold items like computer slicing tools, armor, weapons, and explosives like grenades and permacrete detonators. Larger goods such as swoops and speeders were also available. The Emporium managed to survive the siege of Taris and the subsequent occupation by the Mandalorians. It continued its operations throughout the Jedi Civil War and the quarantine imposed by the Sith Empire. Despite this, the Sith confiscated the shop's heavy weaponry and speeders. After the Endar Spire was destroyed, Revan, the amnesiac former Dark Lord of the Sith, found himself stranded on Taris with Republic officer Carth Onasi and visited Yurt's shop. The Equipment Emporium remained in operation until Darth Malak initiated an orbital bombardment of the planet in 3956 BBY.
The Equipment Emporium owned by Kebla Yurt was a simple, single-room store. It could be found close to the Upper City Cantina within the Upper City of Taris. Yurt, a Human female, managed the store from behind a central counter, serving her clientele. The shop contained a diverse assortment of items, along with several footlockers and other containers made of plasteel and metal. Computer terminals and droid repair/upgrade stations were also located along the walls. A large blast door secured the room when the store was not open.

Prior to the siege of Taris during the Mandalorian Wars, the Emporium was established. Briefly, it provided shelter for some employees of Taris Holofeed after their Highpoint offices were destroyed. It was still conducting business in the Upper City in 3956 BBY, when [Darth Malak]'s Sith Empire took control of the planet. They implemented a blockade, preventing all access to and departure from Taris, and deployed patrols of Sith troopers to maintain order in the Upper City. The reason for these actions was concealed from the public: the Sith, under Malak's orders, were seeking Bastila Shan, a Jedi Padawan whose battle meditation abilities were coveted by the Dark Lord, after she escaped the destruction of the Endar Spire above Taris. Consequently, Sith forces seized all heavy weapons, swoops, and speeders available for sale at the Emporium. However, trade in weapons, armor, and computer-slicing equipment was permitted to continue, although restricted due to the inability to import new stock from off-world. Furthermore, prices at the Emporium were fixed, and negotiations were not allowed.
Revan, the amnesiac former Dark Lord of the Sith, visited the Emporium with Carth Onasi, a Republic officer and fellow survivor of the Endar Spire, several days after the blockade was put in place. They spoke with Yurt about current events, seeking details regarding several escape pods (one of which contained Shan) that had crashed in the Undercity, the lowest level of Taris. Yurt verified that reports of downed Republic pods were circulating, and that other parties besides the Sith were interested in locating them. These included the Exchange, an interstellar crime syndicate managed by Davik Kang on Taris, and various swoop gangs, including the Hidden Beks and Black Vulkars. When questioned about Kang and the gangs, Yurt informed them that the Lower City was becoming increasingly perilous due to the ongoing conflicts between them.
Yurt recognized Revan as the "Mysterious Stranger," a participant in the Taris dueling ring. Revan encountered Matrik, a Twi'lek and former Exchange member/informant, residing in a dilapidated apartment in the Lower City. Matrik explained his situation to Revan, detailing his disillusionment with the Exchange, his departure, and his decision to provide evidence against the syndicate. Consequently, Kang, the Exchange boss, had placed a bounty on his head. After Revan suggested faking his death, Matrik revealed a method to accomplish this: acquiring a permacrete detonator to destroy the apartment, creating the illusion of his death in the explosion. Revan returned to the Emporium, purchased the detonator, and provided it to Matrik, who detonated it before disappearing. Revan then collected the bounty from Zax the Hutt, who oversaw the Tarisian governmental bounty offices, claiming responsibility for the deed. Zax believed the deception, stating that his associates had witnessed the purchase of the detonator and reported it.
Later, Darth Malak grew impatient with the unsuccessful search for Shan. Realizing that the longer she remained unfound, the greater the chance of her escape, the Sith Lord commanded his fleet to initiate an orbital bombardment of the planet. His intention was to eliminate Shan from the galaxy if he could not control her and her abilities. The ensuing barrage of turbolaser fire devastated the surface of Taris, leaving few structures intact.
The computer and video game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, developed by BioWare, introduced Kebla Yurt's Equipment Emporium. It was also mentioned in the in-universe news supplement The Taris Holofeed: Invasion Edition, featured in Nights of Anger, Part 3, issue eighteen of the Knights of the Old Republic comic books series. Later, The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia included an entry for the shop, officially naming it Kebla Yurt's Equipment Emporium.
As Revan, players are not obligated to enter the Equipment Emporium or engage with Kebla Yurt, as it is not the only general-item retailer in the Upper City levels of the game. However, it is often convenient, particularly for the information Yurt provides to new players, its proximity to locations like the Upper City Cantina, and the ability to sell found items for needed credits. The canonicity of Revan's acceptance of Bendak Starkiller, which results in dark-side points, is questionable, as the game's canon ending is the light-side choice. However, this article assumes complete game completion, including the purchase of the permacrete detonator for Matrik.