Knights of the Old Republic 18

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Issue #18: Nights of Anger, Part 3 marks the eighteenth installment of the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic comic book series.

Summary by the Publisher

The long-held secret, buried within Camper's confused mind for decades, that will shake the galaxy is finally brought to light in this conclusion of the "Nights of Anger" story arc!

Aboard the Arkanian Legacy, the flagship vessel of Adascorp, the elderly Camper and his young protector Jarael find themselves separated by closed doors, each consumed with worry for the other's well-being. Jarael's concern centers around the possibility that a cure may not be found for the serious illness that led her to bring Camper to this place. Camper, however, is preoccupied with the growing realization that their benefactor, Lord Adasca, is secretly planning something terrible—a plan that will endanger Jarael, himself, and the entire galaxy.

Significant transformations are on the horizon for the Old Republic, and it all begins right here!

Synopsis of the Plot

On the planet of Telerath, local authorities issue orders for the immediate evacuation of all citizens. When Jedi Master Lucien Draay demands an explanation for the unfolding events, GG-36 (Gigi) informs him of the loss of the Courageous and its entire accompanying battle group. GG-36 also expresses the belief that Admiral Saul Karath has perished. Master Lucien then requests a private space to transmit a message, and Gigi guides him to the boardroom, where the Draay Trust still maintains a presence.

Master Lucien informs Haazen that the approaching Mandalorian invasion is projected to negatively impact the Draay Trust's financial resources. However, Haazen assures him that the Trust strategically divested its interests on Telerath prior to the Battle of Serroco invasion. Despite the presumed loss of Zayne Carrick, Master Haazen cautions that WatchCircle Vodo has foreseen a new malevolence that threatens to consume everything: Lord Arkoh Adasca's Adasca Corporation. Haazen subsequently assigns Master Lucien the task of investigating this emerging threat.

Aboard the Arkanian Legacy, Jarael voices her discontent with Camper's unresponsive state. Lord Adasca expresses his sympathy, and Jarael describes Camper as someone who had come to terms with his life. She reveals to Adasca that Camper harbored distrust towards him and AdascaCorp. Jarael then expresses her gratitude to Lord Adasca for extending his hospitality to her and the Mandalorian Rohlan Dyre.

Lord Adasca shows a particular interest in Jarael's ears, inquiring about her early life. Jarael admits that many aspects of her childhood remain unclear. Lord Adasca proposes a discussion of the matter over dinner within the observatory dome. Upon Jarael's inquiry regarding the frequent hyperspace jumps, Lord Adasca explains that they are on a business excursion and promises to consult with Eejee Vamm's team to uncover more information about Camper.

Subsequently, Lord Adasca questions Eejee about Jarael's blood sample. Eejee informs him that Camper retains all of his memories and that all preparations are complete. Lord Adasca then engages in a conversation with the captive Camper, assuring him that Jarael will remain unharmed as long as he adheres to his agreement with AdascaCorp. He instructs Eejee Vamm to finalize his contacts and pinpoint the designated rendezvous point, also directing him to gather all available information about Jarael. Vamm notes that Jarael exhibits an unusually pure bloodline for an Arkanian Offshoot.

Lord Adasca then pays a visit to his team of scientists, including Doctor Suprin, who objects to Rohlan Dyre's presence, citing his study of battlefield medicine, pharmacology, and genetics. In a private exchange, Lord Adasca offers Rohlan safe passage off the Arkanian Legacy in exchange for contacting an unidentified individual. Rohlan insists that Jarael be permitted to accompany him, but Adasca refuses, stating that he still requires her and Camper for ongoing medical research.

Rohlan points out that Camper never contracted Balinquar's Virus, and that it was merely a deception to conceal the old man and exploit his connection with Jarael to manipulate Camper into working for him. Lord Adasca provides Rohlan with a device to transmit his message and consents to Rohlan's departure with Jarael if the message is sent and the old man is no longer needed.

Meanwhile, within the Inner Rim, Admiral Saul Karath commends Carth Onasi for his exceptional piloting abilities. They are traveling with the captive Zayne Carrick. At that moment, Carth receives a transmission from Eeejee Vamm, who, representing the Adasca Corp, extends an offer that could potentially enable the Republic to alter the course of the war.

Later, aboard the Arkanian Legacy, Lord Adasca engages in socializing with Jarael, who is adorned in elegant attire. Adasca reflects on the Arkanians' perceived recklessness in their genetic experimentation with other species and themselves. He shares his vision of restoring the Arkanian race by utilizing her genetic material to cultivate a new generation of Arkanians. He explains that AdascaCorp had initiated a program offering genetic solutions to employees exhibiting any trace of offshoot blood.

Adasca then reveals to Jarael his grand scheme to establish Arkania as the central hub of the galaxy through the deployment of bio-engineered exogorths as weapons of mass destruction. He discloses that these genetically modified exogorths were originally Camper's project during his tenure with AdascaCorp.

