Kebla Yurt, a Human female featured in legends, had become the proprietor of the Equipment Emporium by 3963 BBY. This was the largest commercial establishment located in the Upper City of Taris. The Sith Empire launched an invasion of the planet in 3956 BBY, during which they seized her stockpile of heavy weaponry and also impounded her operational transports.
During the blockade, Yurt engaged in discussions with Revan, a trooper from the Galactic Republic. Their conversations covered a range of subjects, including the state of affairs on Taris, the Sith occupation, the criminal activities of Davik Kang's Exchange organization, and the presence of swoop gangs in the Lower City. Revan also made a purchase at Yurt's store, acquiring a permacrete detonator for the price of 50 credits. This device was subsequently used to simulate the death of Matrik, an ex-member of the Exchange who had a bounty placed on him.
Kebla Yurt, a Human female, was the owner of the Equipment Emporium, the most expansive retail outlet situated in the Upper City of Taris, around the time of the Mandalorian siege on Taris in 3963 BBY. During the siege, Yurt provided temporary shelter for reporters and staff from Taris Holofeed for a single night, after their offices at Highpoint were destroyed.
By 3956 BBY, the majority of her merchandise was acquired from the Exchange, a criminal syndicate operating across interstellar space. Davik Kang managed their Taris operations, and she paid him a reasonable monthly fee for protection. When the Sith Empire invaded the planet during the Jedi Civil War, they took possession of her entire stock of heavy armaments and also seized her ships and swoop bikes. The Sith also put in place a blockade, which negatively impacted her business to the degree that she struggled to remain operational.
In the same year that the Sith occupied Taris, Carth Onasi and Revan, soldiers of the Galactic Republic, entered the Emporium. Seeking information about some escape pods that had crashed on Taris, the three individuals began a conversation. Yurt verified the existence of reports and rumors regarding Republic pods that had gone down, and also that other parties, besides the Sith, were interested in locating them. These included the Exchange and several swoop gangs, such as the Hidden Beks and Black Vulkars. When questioned about Kang and the gangs, Yurt informed them that conditions in the Lower City were becoming increasingly perilous due to the ongoing conflicts between them.
Revan eventually encountered Matrik, a Twi'lek residing in a dilapidated apartment in the Lower City. Matrik, a former member of the Exchange, recounted how he had become disillusioned with the criminal organization and ultimately testified against it to the authorities. As a result, Kang, the Exchange boss, had placed a bounty on his head. After Revan suggested that Matrik simulate his own demise, he was informed of a method to accomplish this: by obtaining a permacrete detonator that could be used to demolish the apartment and create the impression that Matrik had perished in the explosion. Revan visited the Emporium, purchased the device from Yurt, and provided it to Matrik, who detonated the explosives before disappearing.
Yurt was accommodating to potential patrons, willingly addressing inquiries about herself. However, she was cautious about expressing her opinions concerning the Sith and Davik. Although she disapproved of the Sith's presence in the Upper City, Yurt considered it preferable to the circumstances in the Lower City, where swoop gangs like the Black Vulkars instilled fear in the populace. If approached by a Sith trooper, Yurt would adopt a defensive posture and decline to answer questions, asserting that she was merely a simple shopkeeper and would not possess any significant knowledge.
Yurt refused to entertain negotiations regarding the prices she established for her merchandise. Despite her suspicions about the manner in which Kang procured the items he sold to her, she understood the importance of refraining from asking too many questions. Yurt was also known to have an interest in both sanctioned and unsanctioned dueling activities on Taris.
Yurt's initial appearance in canon occurred as a non-player character in the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic video game, where the player, controlling Revan, has the option to purchase items from her store. These items include medpacs, security spikes, armor suits, swords, blasters, grenades, belts, mines, and the permacrete detonator. She was subsequently mentioned in Prima Games' guide for the game, as well as in The Taris Holofeed: Invasion Edition, a supplement to Knights of the Old Republic 18.
This article operates under the assumption that Revan only visited Yurt on two separate occasions: once following the dueling ring quests, and again to acquire the permacrete detonator for Matrik. However, given that Knights of the Old Republic is a game that grants the player the liberty to explore as they wish, Revan may have, in reality, visited Yurt an indefinite number of times during his time on Taris, either to seek information or to purchase items.
If the player opts for dark side choices within the game and arranges an illegal death match in the Taris dueling ring with Bendak Starkiller, Yurt would recognize Revan as the "Mysterious Stranger," one of the competitors engaged in combat in the Taris dueling ring. If the player does battle Bendak and defeats him, Yurt informs him that, were it not for the difficult circumstances caused by the blockade, she would extend a discount on her inventory. She also conveys this sentiment to Revan if the player visits her after achieving victory in the Tarisian Season Opener.