Garyn Raiders

The Garyn Raiders were a criminal syndicate that operated from Rori both before and during the era of the Galactic Civil War.


This syndicate was established by former Vigos under Alexi Garyn, the Underlord of the Black Sun. These Vigos successfully evaded the destruction of Garyn's organization at the hands of the Sith Darth Maul in 33 BBY. Over the years, the Garyn Raiders maintained unwavering loyalty to their leader, congregating on Rori, a moon of Naboo, to establish their operational headquarters.

During the Galactic Civil War, their activities primarily focused on targeting Imperial forces within the Naboo system. This harassment was motivated by a desire to avenge their deceased leader. They were also actively engaged in conflict with the Restuss Brigade. By the time the Battle of Yavin occurred, the Garyn Raiders had established their base of operations in a bunker situated a short distance northwest of the city known as Narmle.

In 1 ABY, the Aqualish criminal figure Ponda Baba made an attempt to enlist members of the Garyn Raiders to provide manpower for break-ins targeting several large cybernetic laboratories located on Rori and Naboo. However, the offered compensation was deemed insufficient, leading to their refusal to work for him. Subsequently, the Royal Naboo Security Forces launched an assault on a base belonging to the Garyn Raiders, compelling them to disclose all information they possessed regarding Ponda Baba.

