Gauntlet Scanner Station

The Salvager Three is seen here passing through what is known as a Gauntlet Scanner Station. Gauntlet Scanner Station was the designation given to several Golan III defense platforms. These platforms were responsible for managing all space traffic in the vicinity of Palpatine's throne world, which was the planet Byss.


Scanner satellites formed a network around the planet. These satellites would relay information regarding any suspicious activity or unauthorized space vessels to the stations. The stations possessed the capability to launch attacks independently, with firepower comparable to some capital ships. They could also coordinate attacks with Allegiance-class battlecruisers and other warships that constantly patrolled the system.

Beyond their role in orbital defense, the Gauntlet stations served as headquarters for Human officers. From these stations, they oversaw the daily operations of the Byss Security Zone, including the control systems that managed starship landings and departures on Byss.

Each station also accommodated multiple squadrons of TIE Fighter craft, in addition to other defensive forces. These forces stood ready to defend the capital should any naval force attempt an assault.

Despite their heavy armament, these stations represented a potential weakness within the Security Zone. Successfully capturing a station would require a highly skilled force. Furthermore, Palpatine's willingness to order a complete strike on any compromised station made any hijacking operation extremely perilous.

