"George R. Binks" can be found as a comic within the pages of Star Wars Tales 20, and it has been compiled into both Star Wars Tales Volume 5 and Star Wars Legends Epic Collection: Rise of the Sith Vol. 2. This tale, penned by Tony Millionaire, recounts the sorrowful narrative of George R. Binks, who is the perpetually suffering father of Jar Jar Binks.
George R. Binks, operating from the Binks & Son Whaling Company on the waters of Naboo, is in the process of trying to capture a whale. However, his son, Jar Jar, through his characteristic irresponsibility and awkwardness, causes their vessel to founder, leaving the Binks family stranded on a desolate island.
As a month passes, George's sanity erodes under the weight of his son's foolish actions. When Jar Jar suggests swimming to the mainland, George readily agrees, anticipating that his son will likely fail. However, his wife interferes. Overwhelmed, George decides to end his life with a gunshot. His wife's plea to "Think of our son!" only serves to prompt him to pull the trigger. However, the bullet merely nicks his head. As he lies there, he reflects on his love for Sheebla, and his decision not to marry her because she was unable to provide him with a son. As he imagines Sheebla standing before him, the illusion fades, revealing Jar Jar with an octopus clinging to his head. George's only reaction is utter despair.