The second comic in the series found on the LEGO Star Wars website is called "Giant spiders are awesome....". It initially appeared on the LEGO website during the fall season of 2008. Subsequently, featured it starting on October 19, 2009.
"Giant spiders are awesome...."
The comic's story starts with a Republic gunship being shot down, resulting in an emergency landing on a desert planet. A squad of battle droids notices the clones and gets ready to engage. At the crash location, Captain Rex announces that the operation is progressing according to plan. His report is then cut short by the arrival of a homing spider droid along with B1-Series battle droids. Rex instructs the clone troopers to advance, and they all follow his command, with the exception of one commander. Rex challenges the commander, who reveals that he is terrified of the spider droid because all the clones from Batch 82-4 have a fear of arthropods. After finding cover inside the wreckage of the gunship, Rex attempts to reason with the commander to overcome his fear. He is successful, and the commander immediately rushes toward the spider droid and defeats it on his own. Rex then remarks that the Commander's courage reminded him of his own. The clones exchange congratulations, but their celebration is quickly interrupted by the arrival of three additional homing spider droids.