Gigantism, alternatively called giantism, was a medical condition that caused individuals to grow to a size significantly exceeding typical dimensions. A potential cause of this condition in Pau'ans was a deficiency in theloxin levels. This knowledge was possessed by 11-4D when questioned by Darth Plagueis. Chemical means could also induce similar outcomes, as evidenced by Erdan, a Human slave whose owner artificially increased his size. Jedgar, a former Jedi Knight and member of the Prophets of the Dark Side, was a giant of a Human, standing at 2.3 meters in height, while the average height for his species was 1.8 meters. The term "giant" was also loosely applied to denote larger breeds within a species, such as the giant thranta, or even to entire species characterized by substantial size, like the Kashyyykian giant weaver. Furthermore, species that were considerably larger than most humanoids were frequently dubbed giants, including the now-extinct Gargantelles from Boz Pity, who reached heights exceeding twenty meters, and the B'rknaa originating from Indobok.