Glit-biter, sometimes written as glitbiter, was a colloquialism used by the CorSec to describe people who were hooked on the pure, unprocessed version of glitterstim, which is a type of spice.
After watching Moruth Doole's paranoid actions, Corran Horn, a pilot from Rogue Squadron, suggested to Commander Wedge Antilles that Doole was probably a glit-biter. Horn then clarified the meaning of the term after noticing that Antilles didn't know what it meant.
During the trial of Tycho Celchu, Nawara Ven was called to a rendezvous with someone asserting they were Lai Nootka, a Duros Captain. Ven suspected it was simply a glit-biter seeking recognition, but nonetheless went to the meeting, where the person turned out to be Kirtan Loor, an officer from Imperial Intelligence, instead of Nootka.