Lai Nootka

Lai Nootka was a male Durosian who operated as both an arms dealer and a trader, according to legends, legends, and legends.

Nootka was known to utilize aliases for both himself and his freighter, Star's Delight, which he derived from a combination of character names found in well-known Durosian children's stories.

Shortly following the Battle of Endor, Prefect Mosh Barris apprehended Nootka on Garqi for his attempt to sell both X-wing spare parts and proton torpedoes to the New Republic. Following his rescue by Corran Horn and Dynba Tesc, Nootka relocated his operational base to Coruscant.

In 6 ABY, Nootka held a meeting with Tycho Celchu, a member of Rogue Squadron, at The Headquarters, a cantina situated on Coruscant, to negotiate the sale of components for Z-95 Headhunters. Horn, who happened to observe this exchange, mistakenly identified the tall, cloaked Duros as Kirtan Loor.

Nootka was subsequently killed by agents of the Imperial regime to prevent him from providing testimony at the trial of Celchu, who was accused of murdering Horn.

