Dynba Tesc

Dynba Tesc, a female Human originating from Garqi, found herself embroiled in resistance activities in 6 ABY. While she was a student at Garqi Agricultural University, Tesc became affiliated with a group of students who were against the Imperial control of their homeworld. This opposition took the form of slicing pro-New Republic messages and images into the local comnet. Her activism led to her graffiti of an anti-Empire message on the Imperial Court building in Pesktda. This act resulted in her arrest and subsequent narco-interrogation concerning her group and their possible New Republic connections. Corran Horn, a former officer from the Corellian Security Force, aided her escape from custody, and she fled the planet with her fellow activists on the freighter called Star's Delight.

Tesc later married Captain Dromath, an officer within the New Republic Defense Force, and they had a son named Rade Dromath. Following her husband's death during the Thrawn campaign in 9 ABY, Tesc and her son went back to Garqi, which was now part of the New Republic. Remaining wary of a potential Imperial Remnant attack, she accumulated supplies. In 25 ABY, Tesc perished during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of Garqi, which was part of their attempt to conquer the galaxy. The supplies she had stored proved useful to the Garqi Resistance, which her son came to lead.


Early life

On Garqi, an agricultural world located in the Tadrin sector of the Outer Rim Territories, Dynba Tesc, a Human female, was born to a wealthy family. As she grew, Tesc enrolled at Garqi Agricultural University to study computer automation and droid-operated combine systems, reaching her final year in 6 ABY.

Tesc held romanticized views of the rebellion against the Galactic Empire, yet the war seemed distant and had little impact on her daily life. This began to shift with the arrival of Corran Horn, a former officer in the Corellian Security Force, who sought refuge on Garqi after a conflict with the Empire. Horn, operating undercover as Eamon Yzalli, the aide to the Imperial military prefect, Mosh Barris, sparked rumors among the people of Garqi about mysterious night-time flights of an X-wing starfighter. Tesc interpreted these flights as a sign of the New Republic's intention to liberate her homeworld from Imperial rule, leading her to connect with like-minded students on the comnet.

Xeno's circle

During one of his flights, Horn's X-wing was damaged by a collision with a rdava-bird, affecting his starboard engine. Approximately a month later, the Gymsnor-3 light freighter Star's Delight arrived on Garqi, carrying a debris extractor and proton torpedoes for Horn's fighter. The Imperials discovered the contraband, arresting the Star's Delight's crew and impounding the ship. Soon after, an individual known as Xeno sliced into one of the students' comnet meetings. Tesc believed that Xeno was a member of the Star's Delight's crew who had evaded capture, interpreting it as evidence of New Republic agents operating on Garqi.

Dynba Tesc in Imperial custody

Xeno became a regular participant in the comnet meetings, organizing the students and instructing them on how to insert slogans and graphics into the comnet, causing datapad and public display screens to randomly show New Republic messages. The slicers' actions shocked the population, including Tesc's parents, but Tesc desired to do more to oppose the Empire. She graffitied an anti-Imperial message on the side of the Imperial Court building in Pesktda, Garqi's capital city. In her haste, Tesc had purchased paint in a custom shade of red using her personal account, which quickly led the authorities to her.

Tesc was arrested and imprisoned, where she underwent narco-interrogation. Overwhelmed by fear, Tesc immediately revealed her involvement with the slicer group and her limited knowledge about Xeno. Despite her lack of information about any New Republic operations, Barris was convinced that Tesc was part of a larger plot and was withholding information.


Two days after Tesc's arrest, Barris learned that Kirtan Loor, an agent of Imperial Intelligence, was arriving on Garqi to investigate the recent events. Yzalli persuaded Barris to set a trap for the rebels, allowing both the slicers and the crew of the Star's Delight to attempt to escape aboard the ship, before destroying it and all his enemies in one go as a demonstration to Loor.

Corran Horn, as Eamon Yzalli, arranged Tesc's escape.

Horn, still disguised as Yzalli, visited Tesc in her cell. He informed her that she was scheduled for execution in a week and offered to help her escape, along with her fellow slicers and the crew of the Star's Delight. Although Tesc was initially suspicious, Horn convinced her that he had always tried to be a moderating influence on Barris and could not live with her death on his conscience.

Yzalli arranged for Tesc's release and had the contraband returned to the Star's Delight under the guise of leaving it in situ for the Imperial Intelligence investigation. He warned Tesc that she would have only two days to free the freighter's crew and to escape from the planet. To assist in freeing the prisoners, Yzalli provided Tesc with landspeeders, Imperial uniforms, and a code cylinder that would identify her as Kirtana Loor of Imperial Intelligence, allowing her to have the crew of the Star's Delight released without authorization from Barris.

Tesc informed the other members of Xeno's slicer circle, who gathered at the hangar where the Star's Delight was impounded in preparation to flee. Xeno himself declined to leave, stating that his work was not complete. Tesc briefed the rest of the group on their roles in the evacuation. Knowing that the Twi'lek Arali Dil and the Bothan Sihha would not pass for Imperial officers, Tesc left them to prepare the ship while the five Human members of the group went to rescue its crew. Prior to departing, she sent a message to Yzalli, advising him of their planned departure time.

Flight of the Star's Delight

Disguised as Loor, Tesc used the code cylinder to gain access to the local detention center and demanded the release of the freighter's crew into her custody, claiming that they were being returned to the scene of the crime as part of her investigation. The guards complied, and Tesc's group escorted the prisoners, comprising of the Duros Captain Lai Nootka, the Devaronian Saricia, and a Sullustan pilot, to the waiting landspeeders, securing one prisoner in each.

Concerned about arousing the suspicion of onlookers, Tesc maintained her cover and refrained from revealing her true purpose to the captives until they had safely returned to the Star's Delight. Tesc was surprised that Yzalli had not arrived to make his escape with the others, but Dil discovered a report on the comnet that he had been executed for anti-Imperial activity. With no time to mourn his death, Tesc joined the others aboard the ship.

Corran Horn reveals his identity to Arali Dil and Dynba Tesc.

As the Star's Delight climbed out of the atmosphere, they were approached by a flight of four TIE fighters from the Garqi Eagles. Nootka was initially confident that the freighter's shields would hold long enough for them to escape into hyperspace, only to discover that the shields had been disabled. Just as Tesc came to the realization that Yzalli had set them up, Horn contacted the Star's Delight from his repaired X-wing and gave Nootka the code to reactivate the shields. Coming up behind the TIEs, Horn opened fire, destroying the Imperial starfighters, before following the Star's Delight into hyperspace.

After arriving at their destination, Horn revealed his true identity to Tesc. He apologized for deceiving her, explaining that he had intended to use their departure as a cover for his own escape, having recovered the replacement parts and torpedoes after they were moved back to the Star's Delight. Barris had written the report of Yzalli's death to explain his failure to make the rendezvous but had also disabled Yzalli's account, preventing Horn from alerting them to the disabled shields earlier. As Yzalli, he had also sent a report to Kirtan Loor, implicating Barris in the group's escape as part of a plan to defect to the New Republic. When Tesc guessed that Horn was Xeno and had put her group together to help him steal the contraband, he confirmed that that had been Xeno's intention but revealed that Xeno was actually his astromech droid, Whistler.

Return to Garqi

After escaping Garqi, Tesc met Captain Dromath, an officer in the New Republic Defense Force. The pair eventually married and had a son, Rade Dromath, on Kailion, a port world in the 77 Sectors. Tesc's husband was killed in the campaign against Imperial Grand Admiral Thrawn in 9 ABY. Following her husband's death, Tesc and her son moved back to Garqi.

The rebellious activities of the Garqi Agricultural University students had sparked a desire for independence from the Empire, and Garqi had joined the New Republic after the Imperial Remnant abandoned the Cassandran Worlds. However, due to her previous experience with the Empire and Garqi's proximity to the Imperial Remnant, Tesc continued to see it as a threat and made sure to stockpile supplies in case of an invasion.

In 25 ABY, the New Republic was invaded by the extra-galactic Yuuzhan Vong. When the invaders came to Garqi early in the war, Tesc was killed in the first wave of the attack. The Yuuzhan Vong used Garqi as a base for producing slaves, but Rade became one of the leaders of the Resistance, using the supplies his mother had stockpiled to ensure the group's survival. When Horn made contact with Dromath after being sent on a mission to Garqi by the New Republic, he was upset to learn of Tesc's death. Horn credited her for her part in the escape from Garqi and was angry with himself for not getting in touch after her husband's passing.

Personality and traits

A woman with blonde hair and blue eyes, Dynba Tesc was an idealistic, eager student, but she was easily bored and sought a more exciting pursuit than droid-operated combine systems. To Tesc, the Galactic Civil War seemed distant, with little impact to her life, yet she considered the conflict as a source of romance and heroism, harboring thoughts of joining the New Republic and defeating the Empire while meeting a handsome starship pilot in the process. She did eventually marry a New Republic officer and came to regard Dromath as her hero.

Tesc's homeworld of Garqi

The sightings of Horn's X-wing gave Tesc hope that the New Republic was coming to liberate her homeworld, and she was excited at the thought that New Republic agents were already operating on Garqi. After being recruited by Xeno, Tesc found planning and implementing their attacks on the comnet cathartic. She enjoyed seeing the outrage that her group's efforts caused her parents and would purposefully rebel against her father's authority by targeting his datapad first. She found it amusing that just seven slicers were able to create enough trouble for the Empire to warrant an Imperial Intelligence investigation. Tesc believed that Xeno was planning to use the group for some larger attack, but her impatience led her to act alone. In truth, Corran Horn considered the group to be little more than children and was unwilling to risk their safety by recruiting them to help him retrieve the X-wing parts. Horn's hesitance proved well-founded when Tesc's naivety left a trail that led to her arrest.

Tesc's imprisonment left her more scared than she had ever been in her life, and she wanted nothing more than to retreat into her childhood for comfort. Although the Empire used interrogation drugs on her, Tesc admitted to herself that she would have revealed what little she knew without them. Nevertheless, Horn considered that her opposition to the Empire when it posed no direct threat to her showed bravery. Tesc felt fear when impersonating Kirtana Loor to rescue the crew of the Star's Delight, but she was able to overcome it to complete the mission.

Tesc was attached to Garqi as her homeworld, but she came to see it was a boring, backwater planet. Despite this, she felt a sense of loss when she was forced to flee the planet, later returning to her homeworld following the death of her husband.

Skills and abilities

Tesc was skilled in computer programming and repair, droid programming, and the operation and repair of repulsorlifts. Her computer skills made her a capable slicer, able to insert New Republic messages into the comnet to show on datapads and display screens throughout Garqi. She was also a competent beast rider.

Behind the scenes

Dynba Tesc was created by author Michael A. Stackpole for the short story "Missed Chance," which was first published by West End Games in the seventh issue of the Star Wars Adventure Journal magazine in August 1995.

