
Captain Dromath, a member of both the Rebel forces and the succeeding New Republic, encountered Dynba Tesc not long after the Battle of Endor. This occurred when she, along with Lai Nootka, was rescued from Garqi via Corran Horn's Great Evacuation mission. He later entered into marriage with Tesc, and they parented a son, Rade Dromath, before his death in the Thrawn campaign.


Serving as an officer in the Alliance to Restore the Republic, Captain Dromath's path crossed with Dynba Tesc following the Battle of Endor. Dromath observed Corran Horn's heroic Great Evacuation efforts on Garqi, which resulted in Dynba Tesc's liberation from the planet. Impressed by Horn's skill as a pilot, Dromath suggested the Corellian consider enlisting in the newly reforming Rogue Squadron, which was seeking talented pilots.

While he and Horn went their separate ways, Dromath and Tesc grew closer. Their relationship blossomed, leading to marriage and the birth of their child, Rade Dromath. Dromath continued his military service under the banner of the New Republic, ultimately dying in combat during the Thrawn campaign.

