Garqi, a celestial body of terrestrial nature, resided within both the Outer Rim Territories and the New Territories regions of space. This object, found along the Braxant Run hyperspace route, held coordinates at K-5 on the Standard Galactic Grid. Garqi's principal export was caf, and the caf production facilities served as a draw for tourism during the periods when production was low.
During the year 33 BBY, a labor dispute unfolded within Garqi's caf processing sector. The income from tourism on Garqi decreased by 0.2 percent—an amount exceeding the projections—and an economic task force, led by Senator Palpatine from the Galactic Republic, proposed that the labor dispute was the cause. Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum and Palpatine brought this matter up in a discussion with Jedi Masters Adi Gallia and Yoda. Gallia understood Valorum to be implying that the Jedi Order should dispatch Jedi Knights to aid in the mediation; the chancellor quipped that sending them on vacation would be unhelpful before changing the subject.
Within the current Star Wars canon, Garqi's initial reference appeared on a cartographical representation featured in the 2016 Fantasy Flight Games roleplaying game package, specifically the Star Wars: The Force Awakens Beginner Game.