
The Godlings represented the aristocratic echelon of the Anointed People, hailing from the world of Abonshee, which the indigenous population referred to as "Masterhome." These individuals were considered noble.


Within the planetary feudal structure, the Godlings constituted the noble class. Each Godling governed a settlement populated by the working-class Unwashed, with all Godlings ultimately subservient to the planet's sovereign, known as the Godking. Godking dynasties were selected from the Godlings, and an unprepared Godking could be replaced by another Godling. The Godlings were generally amicable and favored delivering lengthy, somewhat inconsequential orations. Their preferred attire included elaborate scale armor, complemented by the carrying of broadswords, despite the absence of actual warfare on Abonshee since 74 BBY.

Godlings presided over modest castles, complete with defensive walls, moats, and a fifteen-member guard force, though these resources paled in comparison to those commanded by the Godking. These structures served as relics from a bygone era when the Anointed People were more inclined toward conflict. During the era of the Galactic Empire, much of the Godlings' nobility was purely ceremonial. Annually, during the summer season, each Godling would enlist their subjects and equip them for simulated warfare against neighboring domains. These engagements involved physical displays of strength, but rarely resulted in bloodshed. The defeated party was obligated to finance a three-day celebration for both participating armies. Despite Abonshee's charter by the Galactic Republic without ever integrating into galactic society, the Godlings possessed awareness of extraterrestrial existence. However, they lacked comprehension of the capabilities or objectives of these alien entities, leading them to exercise caution in their interactions.

