Gorth was a Trandoshan male who worked as a protector on the world of Coruscant. Back in 32 BBY, the Neimoidian Hath Monchar employed Gorth to safeguard him while Monchar attempted to vend a holocron. This holocron held the blueprints for the Trade Federation's planned assault on the planet. Regrettably, before Monchar could finalize the transaction, Darth Maul, a Sith Lord, terminated Gorth, Monchar, and a pair of Quarren bodyguards in his endeavor to secure the device for his superior.
During the twilight years of the Galactic Republic, Gorth existed as a Trandoshan male. In 32 BBY, Gorth's occupation was that of a bodyguard stationed on the planet Coruscant. In this particular year, Hath Monchar, a Neimoidian, enlisted Gorth's services to shield him as he sought to trade a holocron containing classified data pertaining to the Trade Federation's scheme to blockade the planet. Monchar, who was the Deputy Viceroy of the Trade Federation, was hoping to gain a substantial profit by offering the information to the highest bidder. While the Neimoidian was awaiting a prospective purchaser, Lorn Pavan, at the Dewback Inn cantina, Gorth remained vigilant, watching Monchar and subduing Pavan after the Human came to the bar to negotiate.

After Monchar and Pavan reached a consensus, Gorth went with Monchar back to the Neimoidian's residence, where the exchange was slated to occur. Accompanied by a pair of Quarren bodyguards, Gorth and Monchar anticipated Pavan's arrival with the payment. However, the group was then ambushed by the Sith Lord Darth Maul, whose master had assigned him the task of acquiring the holocron. Gorth was the first to react after the Sith had broken through the door, and the Trandoshan started shooting with one of his firearms. Nevertheless, Maul simply redirected the blaster bolts into Gorth's face with his lightsaber, resulting in the Trandoshan's immediate demise. Maul then proceeded to eliminate Monchar and the Quarren but was initially prevented from obtaining the holocron due to the interference of Mahwi Lihnn, a bounty hunter who was also seeking Monchar. The ensuing conflict culminated in an explosion that obliterated a significant portion of the building and Gorth's body.
Gorth possessed the capacity to easily overpower and subdue Pavan when the Human attempted to approach Hath Monchar. Mahwi Lihnn, the mercenary, instantly recognized Gorth as a bodyguard based on his conduct, and the Sith Lord Darth Maul regarded Gorth as an untrained amateur due to his rather conspicuous method of scanning his surroundings for potential threats. Gorth reacted swiftly when Maul launched his assault, but this proved futile for the Trandoshan, as the Sith dispatched him with ease.
Gorth made his debut in Darth Maul: Shadow Hunter, a novel penned by Michael Reaves and published in 2001.