Great ibbots represented a subspecies within the broader ibbot family. These creatures inhabited the planet of Drall and were utilized by the Wingriders, a specialized unit of the Drall police force.
This particular avian species, the great ibbot, was the largest of its kind on its native homeworld of Drall, a planet situated within the Core Worlds. As one of the sixty-eight distinct ibbot species found on Drall, this impressive bird possessed a height ranging from three to four meters, coupled with a wingspan exceeding ten meters.
The plumage of these ibbots typically exhibited shades of copper and brass with copper undertones, accented by black and brown markings. Their ventral regions, including the undersides of their wings, displayed a coloration of white or cream.
Unlike the majority of ibbots, which subsisted on algae, these imposing birds were carnivorous in nature. Their diet primarily consisted of aquatic organisms, with a particular preference for fish.
On occasion, great ibbots would engage in the pursuit of large spikefish residing in Drall's lakes and seas. These birds would patiently await the emergence of the fish from the water's surface before seizing them. Furthermore, they were known to consume herd animals and, infrequently, domesticated pets.