Great Northern Crusade

The Seventh Pius Dea Crusade, which is more widely recognized as the Great Northern Crusade, was a military undertaking organized by the Pius Dea religious organization during the timeframe known as the Pius Dea Era. In the year 11,884 BBY, the Galactic Republic—then governed by the Pius Dea and headed by the Contispex dynasty of Supreme Chancellors—initiated a military offensive targeting the Zabrak and Ithorian species. This Crusade involved assaults on the native homeworlds of various alien species, all situated within the northern reaches of the Outer Rim Territories. The Republic deployed troops from Ord Mantell to attack the planet Ithor, the native world of the Ithorians, and utilized Ord Cantrell and Ord Meglumine as forward operating bases for operations against Iridonia, the Zabrak homeworld.

Behind the scenes

The Great Northern Crusade was initially presented in the 2012 sourcebook titled The Essential Guide to Warfare, specifically on a map illustrating the Crusades. On the map and in its corresponding legend, it was identified as the "Great Northern Crusade," and it was additionally noted that this Crusade was the 7th (indicated in parentheses).


  • The Essential Guide to Warfare (Initial Mention)

Notes and references
