The great thranta, which grew to be fifteen times the length of the pilotta thranta, represented the largest species of thranta. It was indigenous to the planet of Alderaan, but unfortunately, it met its end when that world was destroyed.
A distinguishing feature of this thranta variety was its white skin coloration, coupled with a long neck that culminated in a short, thick head. Its tail, in contrast to other thranta species, was proportionally smaller and lacked the typical horizontal lobes. As with other thranta, the wings of these creatures were equipped with powerful muscles, enabling them to soar through the air of their native planet. Like the other subspecies, they could be trained; handlers would control them by attaching a compartment to the back of their heads, while a larger passenger compartment was situated around the chest.
Holograms depicting the great thranta, alongside several other species that perished in the destruction of Alderaan, were showcased at the Holographic Zoo of Extinct Animals. Lyrre T'enna utilized the streams available at the zoo to produce sketches that were ultimately collected into a field guide.
It's important not to mistake this creature for the giant thranta, which was simply a larger variant of the common thranta.