
Gribblehex was a two-person game. In the year 18 BBY, Chiss Sky-walker Che'ri, who served as the navigator on the warship [Springhawk](/article/springhawk—a Chiss heavy cruiser—told Caregiver Mitth'ali'astov, known as "Thalias," that Mid Commander Dalvu had assured her that she and Che'ri would engage in a game of Gribblehex while the caregiver was away on the planet Ool. Furthermore, the sky-walker ridiculed Thalias's poor Gribblehex skills.

Behind the scenes

The 2021 book titled Thrawn Ascendancy: Lesser Evil, which is the concluding book of the Star Wars: The Ascendancy Trilogy by Timothy Zahn, included a reference to Gribblehex.

