Griff Praji

As a male Human, Griff Praji was born into the influential and affluent House Praji of Coruscant, which served as the capital world for the Galactic Republic. He had two younger siblings, specifically Tannon and another brother. His mother cultivated an appreciation within him for both culture and the fine arts. As a result, he dedicated himself to studying the capital's cultural offerings and life beyond Coruscant. Praji frequently went on family vacations to offworld locations, including the museums found on Porus Vida and the Sharu ruins situated in the Rafa system.

Nahdonnis was Griff Praji's son, and Tyla was his granddaughter. Tannon, Griff Praji's brother, married Maree and sired Onnelly, who became Griff Praji's niece. Dr. Gabrel Treon, a historian, made a brief mention of Griff Praji in his 104 ABY article about the Praji family, titled "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Praji: A Cartel of Genes."

Behind the scenes

The character Griff Praji was initially referenced in Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Praji, a historical in-universe article written by Nathan O'Keefe that was exclusively available through Hyperspace. It was released on February 5 of 2009.


Notes and references
