Hacken Berge was a human male employed by the Galactic Library of Coruscant. His tenure occurred during the Cold War era, a period of tension between the Republic and the reconstituted Sith Empire. Berge journeyed to the devastated planet of Taris in pursuit of the legendary Promised Land, seeking assistance from a Republic-aligned person to uncover what happened to the missing Outcasts.
Hacken Berge, a human male, hailed from Coruscant during the time of the Great Galactic War and the following Cold War. This era was marked by conflict between the Galactic Republic and the resurgent Sith Empire. At some point during the Cold War, Berge began his work as a historian for the Galactic Library.
Around the year 3643 BBY, Berge initiated a study of the journals belonging to Revan, the celebrated Jedi hero of the Jedi Civil War. He became particularly interested in Revan's experiences on the former city-world of Taris. Taris had been destroyed by Darth Malak, Revan's one-time apprentice, in an attempt to eliminate Revan and his future wife, Bastila Shan. While on Taris, Revan had ventured into the Undercity and encountered the Outcasts. Revan aided the group's leader, Rukil, in locating a path to the enigmatic Promised Land by discovering a collection of journals that detailed the route.
Since the Outcasts had left for the Promised Land before the orbital bombardment, their ultimate fate was unknown. Driven to uncover the truth, Berge traveled to Taris, which was undergoing a slow process of rebuilding by the Republic. He established a base of operations at Waypoint Station Morne, from which he began his search for any evidence of the Outcasts. When an individual aligned with the Republic arrived at the base, Hacken requested their assistance in his investigation. He had found indications pointing toward the ruins of Transport Station 5, which had recently been excavated, but the area was overrun with rakghouls.