Halbret was a Jedi Knight of the Human species. In the era of the Old Republic, she assembled a group of Jedi Knights to combat a formidable Dark Jedi. This Dark Jedi had subjugated the Kathol species and desired their Codex. As the battle raged, a launch gate belonging to the Kathol became active, experienced an overload, and detonated. This explosion ripped a hole in both hyperspace and the Force, corrupting the area with the influence of the dark side. She shielded herself within a Precursor impact pod, entering a self-induced trance through Jedi meditation. Sadly, Darkstryder triggered the pod, imprisoning her. While Halbret remained captive, vast stretches of time elapsed, and the Jedi Order she had known vanished. The crew of the FarStar eventually awakened her, revealing a shared lineage with Jessa Dajus. In the climactic confrontation with the DarkStryder, she sacrificed herself to protect Jessa from the DarkStryder's allies, merging with the Force.