Hallena Devis

Hallena Devis, a Human spy employed by Republic Intelligence during the Clone Wars, also shared a romantic relationship with Captain Gilad Pellaeon.


Prior to the Clone Wars, Hallena became a member of the Galactic Republic's intelligence division. During the war, she was dispatched to JanFathal with the mission of assisting the local government in their fight against revolutionaries supported by the Confederacy of Independent Systems. After her identity as a Republic spy was discovered, she was apprehended and detained by Separatist loyalists. However, Gilad Pellaeon, along with several Jedi, intervened to rescue her.

Following the Battle of JanFathal, Hallena ceased her formal association with the Republic and instead traveled with the unconventional Jedi Master Djinn Altis and his adherents. She later reunited with Pellaeon and had his son, named Mynar. After growing disappointed with the Republic government, Hallena formally resigned from Republic Intelligence in an effort to stabilize her life.

Personality and traits

Hallena possessed a compassionate nature, experiencing remorse when clone troopers Ince and Vere lost their lives during her rescue. The events on JanFathal, where she was compelled to support a repressive government while finding the Separatist rebels sympathetic, led to her disillusionment with the Republic. This ultimately prompted her departure from the Republic's service.

