Mynar Devis

Mynar Devis was a Human of male gender. During the concluding period of the Galactic Civil War and the time that followed, he held a position as an officer within the ranks of the Imperial Navy. Furthermore, he was born out of wedlock to Gilad Pellaeon and Hallena Devis.


Devis held the rank of captain aboard the Wrack, which was an Interdictor cruiser, during the time of the Yuuzhan Vong War. He also underwent training to become a pilot of starfighter craft. Since he was five years old, he took pleasure in hearing stories concerning Han Solo and his well-known starship, the Millennium Falcon.

Following the Yuuzhan Vong's disabling of the HoloNet in the course of Operation Trinity, Devis himself commanded the Wrack's group of TIE Defenders to provide assistance to the troops of the Galactic Alliance in the Second Battle of Bilbringi. He protected the Millennium Falcon as it fled from the battle. When it seemed that the Vong were about to prevail, he crashed his fighter into the enemy Vua'spar interdictor, giving up his own life.

