Hazard Vault 305
Hazard Vault 305 was a facility constructed on the world of Balmorra around the time of the Cold War. It was a component of the Balmorran government's endeavor to safeguard their prosperous industrial planet, resulting in the establishment of a number of securely sealed subterranean vaults. These vaults were intended for the storage of hazardous waste generated by the planet's numerous manufacturing plants. Hazard Vault 305 was specifically built within an existing cave system and designed to accommodate waste from the Balmorran Arms Factory.
Unbeknownst to anyone at the time, the cave actually served as a hiding place for an artifact belonging to the Sith Lord known as Tulak Hord. During the Sith Empire's invasion of Balmorra, missile attacks inflicted damage upon the hazard vault, causing a leakage of its contents. However, this event also unintentionally created an entrance point into Hazard Vault 305 for anyone capable of enduring the lethal waste and the Mutated Colicoids that infested the area.