Hebekrr Major

Hebekrr Major, found within the Hebekrr system of the Outer Rim Territories and located at grid square N-7 on the Standard Galactic Grid, was a terrestrial planet plagued by geological instability. It held the distinction of being the primary habitable world within its star system, with Hebekrr Minor as the secondary one. Although inhabited well before the year 22 BBY, its escalating geological issues resulted in the planet's eventual abandonment. Despite the dangers, expeditions would sometimes journey there to recover both archaic technology and cultural relics from the fractured landscape of Hebekrr Major, yet extended stays on the world were deemed perilous due to the passage of time.

Behind the scenes

The young-adult novel Queen's Hope, released in 2022 and penned by E. K. Johnston, featured Hebekrr Major; this novel served as the concluding chapter in a trilogy centered around Queen and Senator Padmé Amidala.

