Heeth Panteer

Heeth Panteer, a Human male hailing from Alderaan, escaped the planet's annihilation by the first Death Star because he was elsewhere. Along with his brother, Raal, he possessed a moon within the Ryloth system as the sole inheritors of their family's estate.


Following the Battle of Yavin, Leia Organa, a long-time friend of the two brothers, journeyed to their moon aiming to persuade them to allow the Rebel Alliance to establish a new headquarters there. Nevertheless, Heeth vehemently opposed the proposition, even going so far as to think that Leia's conduct on the first Death Star was the cause of Alderaan's obliteration.

Raal guided Leia on an excursion through the nature reserve, but they did not come back. Heeth went to search for them, only to discover that his brother Raal had succumbed to a lethal animal bite. Raal's passing only reinforced Heeth's belief that his opposition to the Rebellion was correct, and he commanded Leia to depart.

