Raal Panteer was a male Human of Alderaanian descent, a member of the prestigious House Panteer. He was fortunate enough to be away from Alderaan when it met its destruction. Along with his brother, Heeth, Raal was in the Ryloth system, where they possessed ownership of a moon as the sole remaining heirs of their lineage. This moon, though not particularly hospitable to Human life, provided them with a comfortable existence. It housed a significant collection of Alderaanian plant and animal life, designated as a hunting preserve.
Following the Battle of Yavin, Leia Organa, a childhood acquaintance of the Panteer brothers, journeyed to their moon. Her aim was to persuade them to allow the Rebel Alliance to utilize it as a new headquarters. While Raal held little interest in the Rebellion's cause, his affection for Leia was strong. He suggested she remain on the moon with him, so they could preserve a piece of Alderaan together.
During a tour of the wild preserve with Leia, Raal went missing. Heeth initiated a search, ultimately discovering Raal dead, the victim of a morp bite. Consumed by rage, Heeth denied assistance to the Rebel Alliance and demanded Leia's departure from the moon. This event marked the end of their connection.