Hella Cordoni, a Human female hailing from the planet of Chandrila, served as a trade delegate for her world. Following the Trade Federation's failed attempt to invade Naboo around 32 BBY, she journeyed to the planet with her family, seeking to negotiate a trade agreement with the local government. During their stay on Naboo, her son, Pellum Cordoni, fell in love with the daughter of a competing trade delegate, leading them to elope. Consequently, Hella employed a group of spacers to locate him.
Before the events of 32 BBY, Hella Cordoni resided on Chandrila, a planet situated within the Core Worlds. There, she balanced her role as a trade delegate with raising her family, which included her son Pellum. In 32 BBY, the Trade Federation, under the leadership of the Neimoidian Nute Gunray, launched an unsuccessful invasion against Naboo, a planet in the Mid Rim. Despite the failure, the invasion inflicted significant harm on the planet's government and its people. Recognizing an opportunity, Hella relocated her entire family to Naboo, intending to establish a permanent residence and pursue a trade agreement with the recovering government.
However, Hella wasn't the only trade delegate to identify this opportunity. She soon found herself in competition with Van Kellen, a Human trade master from Corellia, who had also relocated his family to Naboo to secure trade agreements. While their parents were rivals, Pellum and Kellen's daughter, Remi Kellen, secretly developed a romantic relationship. Upon discovering their children's involvement, Hella and Kellen were both displeased and pressured them to end the relationship. Instead, the young couple stole a landspeeder and ran away from their controlling parents. Hella and her rival then promptly hired a group of spacers who happened to be visiting Naboo, tasking them with finding and returning their children.
The spacers discovered that the pair had escaped to Keren where they bought supplies in order to move into the Gungan swamps. However, the outfitter who sold them the goods was involved with a number of criminal organizations, including a slaver ring that captured the pair of lovers as they left the city. The spacers, ambushed by the slavers themselves, set out to free the pair and complete their contract. The success of their mission and whether they returned Pellum to Hella remains unknown.
Hella was a businesswoman known for her level-headedness and prudence, but she placed a strong emphasis on her professional life. This was evident in her decision to relocate her entire family for a business prospect and her initial disapproval of her son's relationship with a rival's daughter. Nevertheless, her willingness to pay for Pellum's rescue suggested that she valued her family above profit.
The character of Hella Cordoni originated from the adventure idea "young love... such a pain!" featured in the Star Wars Roleplaying Game supplement Secrets of Naboo. This book, published by Wizards of the Coast and authored by Steve Miller and J.D. Wiker, included the short story to provide game masters with ideas for their own storylines or to serve as the foundation for a short adventure. Hella served as one of the potential starting points for the adventure, offering the players their mission and presumably rewarding them upon its successful completion.