Hestizo Trace

Hestizo Trace, also known as Zo, was a female Human who served as a member of the Jedi Agricultural Corps during the era of the Cold War.


While working at the agricultural labs on Marfa, she was abducted by Tulkh, a Whiphid bounty hunter, who had been contracted by Darth Scabrous to acquire the Murakami orchid and deliver it to Odacer-Faustin. Because of Hestizo's special bond with the orchid, she couldn't stray too far from it; otherwise, the plant would begin to wither. After Scabrous extracted a chemical from the orchid to create a formula for immortality, she successfully escaped with the orchid. The formula's major flaw was that it devastated the body, ultimately transforming its victims into cannibalistic monsters, an affliction that rapidly spread throughout the academy. Hestizo, joining forces with Tulkh, persuaded the orchid to cultivate its own fragments within the bodies of the zombies to halt their advance, which exhausted the orchid. Nevertheless, Scabrous, utilizing the Neti librarian, Dail'Liss, mimicked the orchid's voice to entice Hestizo to the library, as the orchid was still barely alive within the Sickness infection. Having been separated from Tulkh, Hestizo headed to the library, seeking her last remaining companion. Falling into his trap, Scabrous restrained Hestizo on a sacrificial altar, preparing to remove her heart with a traditional Sith sword in order to achieve eternal immortality.

Hestizo managed to break free from Scabrous's intended sacrifice; however, before Scabrous could directly kill her, Hestizo's brother, Rojo, appeared and briefly engaged the Sith Lord in a duel. Though Scabrous was victorious and killed Rojo, Hestizo managed to defeat him by using her telepathic abilities to command the orchid to grow out of his head, significantly weakening him. She then killed Scabrous, who had fully transformed into a zombie, using his own Sith sword. Hestizo avoided being infected by the remaining Sith zombies when Tulkh's ship, the Mirocaw, piloted by Pergus Frode, a mechanic from the Sith Academy, arrived to rescue her. After they evaded the academy's defenses, Scabrous's HK droid managed to redirect the turbolasers, causing them to destroy the control tower instead of the Mirocaw, eliminating all the zombies in the process.

Despite this, Hestizo realized that the Sickness still posed a threat of infecting the galaxy. Tulkh, feeling the Sickness taking over, had become infected and chained himself to a detachable wall within his ship. He requested Hestizo to open the wall so that he would be expelled into the vacuum of space. Before she could comply, Rance Lussk, an infected apprentice from the academy who had secretly boarded the Mirocaw, revealed himself. He attacked, but Hestizo dodged his assault, causing him to fall toward Tulkh, and she released the bulkhead, launching both Tulkh and Lussk into space. With the last infected individual gone, Hestizo felt confident that the Sickness was finally over.

Upon her return to Marfa, Hestizo discovered a new black orchid awaiting her care. However, she instead chose to go back to Coruscant to continue her Jedi training.

