Rojo Trace was a male Human Jedi Knight of the Jedi Order during the period of the Cold War. He also shared a familial connection as the brother of Hestizo Trace. He is considered to be a figure of Legends.
During an investigation concerning a crashed Sith starship on the planet of Geonosis in the year 3645 BBY, Rojo Trace experienced a vision indicating that his sister was imperiled on Marfa. He journeyed to that planet without delay, only to discover she had been assaulted and abducted by Tulkh, a Whiphid bounty hunter. Tulkh had made off with the Murakami orchid, and Rojo was aware that his sister Hestizo, as a member of the Agricultural Corps, served as its protector, given the flower's strong connection to the Force. Trace then began to follow clues to determine Tulkh's destination. He learned from Gree, a drunken Bothan smuggler, that Darth Scabrous on Odacer-Faustin had hired Tulkh. Trace departed for Odacer-Faustin immediately, where he found the planet overrun with Sith zombie creatures. Despite this, he was certain Hestizo remained alive.
Following a swift duel with Shak'Weth, a Sith Blademaster, he successfully located her within the library. Upon entering, he found Dail'Liss, the Neti librarian, had been infected by Scabrous, who was a carrier of the disease. The Neti had lost their mind and began setting fire to all the library's scrolls and holobooks. After being captured by the Neti and having his memories of discovering the Sith temple below the library viewed, Trace managed to break free and pursue Hestizo. He found her just as Scabrous, now a zombie, was about to kill her. He fought Scabrous, but Scabrous used mind manipulation and an old Sith sword to kill him, nearly cutting him in two.
Trace was a skilled lightsaber combatant, proficient in the fifth form of lightsaber combat, known as Djem So. He was skilled enough to briefly stand his ground against formidable opponents like the Sith Blademaster Shak'Weth or Darth Scabrous.
Trace's most significant ability was his telemetric abilities, which meant he was frequently asked to work as an investigator.
The character of Rojo Trace draws inspiration from Bryan Mills, played by Liam Neeson in the film Taken.