Hez's team was a clone trooper formation that fought for the Galactic Republic's military force, the Grand Army of the Republic, in the year 22 BBY. Under the command of Clone Sergeant Hez, this squad participated as a component of Torrent Company during the Battle of Teth. During this conflict, the entire squad was eliminated by the battle droid armies serving the Confederacy of Independent Systems.
This squad, an infantry unit within Torrent Company of the 501st Legion, consisted of at least three clone troopers and was commanded by Clone Sergeant Hez.
At least four members of the squad, including Hez, were deployed alongside Torrent Company of the 501st Legion to the Outer Rim planet of Teth. Their mission was to liberate Rotta, the son of Jabba Desilijic Tiure, from the Confederacy of Independent Systems's captivity in 22 BBY. Hez's squad, along with the rest of Torrent Company, engaged the Confederacy's forces and began to scale the walls of the monastery where the young Hutt was imprisoned, supported by two AT-TE walkers. Torrent Company suffered significant losses during the initial attack, including one of the walkers, but they successfully reached the monastery. Soon after the ascent, Torrent Company was attacked again by vulture droids performing strafing runs and a large number of battle droids, which caused heavy casualties, including the destruction of the remaining AT-TE walker.

As the fight intensified, Torrent Company's troopers found themselves cornered inside the monastery, facing relentless waves of Separatist battle droids attacking their position. While Jedi General Anakin Skywalker carried the Huttlet to safety, the squad, along with the remaining members of Torrent Company, prepared a last-ditch defense against the Confederacy, setting up explosives and tripwires. The droids forced their way through the monastery doors shortly thereafter, and engaged the clone forces within. Despite the men of Torrent Company setting a trap, the battle droids overwhelmed and killed all the clones inside, including Hez and his squad.
Hez's squad was first mentioned in the novelization of the 2008 film Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Karen Traviss authored the novelization, which was released in the same year.