Homeworld Security Command

Homeworld Security Command, often shortened to Homeworld Security, served as an arm of the Galactic Republic with the crucial task of safeguarding the capital planet of Coruscant. Their duties encompassed coordinating security patrols, overseeing orbital security stations in conjunction with military personnel, and maintaining vigilance against potential threats to Coruscant's safety. As the Clone Wars raged between the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, the clone shock troopers belonging to the Coruscant Guard were integrated into Homeworld Security Command to implement increasingly strict security protocols. Deployed outside public areas like theaters, hotels, government buildings, and other critical infrastructure points, these shock troopers were granted extensive authority to stop and search individuals, their possessions, and even private residences. While the majority of Coruscant's inhabitants didn't object to these measures, certain Senators, notably Bail Organa, did. Although Organa acknowledged that the shock troopers were merely acting according to their training, he viewed their actions as yet another maneuver by Supreme Chancellor Palpatine to consolidate power. Despite the heightened security measures, Homeworld Security was taken by surprise when General Grievous of the Separatists attacked Coruscant and abducted Chancellor Palpatine. Following the Declaration of a New Order, which established the Galactic Empire, shock troopers were strategically positioned within the Senate Building and Republic Executive Building to ensure a seamless transition of power.


Coruscant Guards were the most visible element of Homeworld Security.

The Galactic Republic established Homeworld Security Command to oversee safety operations on the capital planet of Coruscant. This organization, comprised of a civilian team, collaborated closely with military forces to guarantee that orbital security stations and ground-based security details were prepared for any significant threat. They designed protocols for emergencies and coordinated responses to major security incidents. During the Clone Wars between the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Homeworld Security had authority over the Coruscant Guard, a group of clone shock troopers. The troopers were deployed outside key businesses, government offices, and other public spaces to conduct checkpoints. The Guards also executed police actions, including raids, and were authorized to seize suspicious individuals.


Homeworld Security coordinated with civilian police and military personnel to maintain public order. They began operations by 22 BBY with the outbreak of the Clone Wars between the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, as terrorism and the possibility of invasion became serious concerns. A successful anti-terror operation conducted by clone commandos from the Grand Army of the Republic's Special Operations Brigade and members of the Anti-Terrorism Unit of the Coruscant Security Force (CSF) demonstrated the need for clone troopers to help secure Coruscant.

As part of increased efforts to tighten security, the clone shock troopers were reorganized into the Coruscant Guard and integrated into Homeworld Security. The general public was unaware at the time that this move had been planned in advance by Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. The shock troopers, along with clones from the 501st Legion, had received training on Coruscant for law enforcement and were well-prepared for city combat when the war began. The Galactic Senate passed the Emergency Powers Act, and later the Enhanced Security and Enforcement Act during the war, granting Homeworld Security greater authority to protect Coruscant. Shock troopers increased checkpoints and were stationed at essential government buildings, banks, hotels, theaters, and other large gathering places. The shock troopers were authorized to stop and search individuals, as well as search belongings and private residences. Homeworld Security also implemented measures such as installing Holocams in previously private areas of the Senate's Grand Convocation Chamber. There were rumors of other government actions, such as the violent suppression of anti-war protests, disappearances of individuals, and the seizure of private property, but government officials quickly dismissed these claims. Senator Bail Organa recognized that the shock troopers were simply acting as trained soldiers and were not acting randomly or with malice. However, Organa and other senators believed that the actions of the shock troopers were further examples of Palpatine accumulating too much power, viewing him as the driving force behind Homeworld Security.

Homeworld Security coordinated activities between the police and military.

Despite the enhanced security measures and coordination between military and civilian forces, Homeworld Security was unprepared for the Separatist General Grievous's attack on Coruscant. As Coruscant military command coordinated defense efforts with the Coruscant Home Fleet and the arriving Open Circle Fleet, Homeworld Security activated its emergency protocols. The CSF worked to evacuate vulnerable areas and clear skylanes as Separatist battle droids landed and engaged Republic clone troopers. Supreme Chancellor Palpatine and his Red Guards were moved from the Senate Building and secured at 500 Republica. However, these measures failed to prevent Grievous from landing and kidnapping the Chancellor after overwhelming Palpatine's security detail. Two Jedi, Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, rescued the Chancellor, and Republic forces defeated the Separatists. Following the battle, the presence of Coruscant Guard shock troopers and the 501st Legion was increased in public areas on Coruscant. Clone troopers were also paired with CSF police officers on patrol, and checkpoints were increased.

Palpatine's issuance of Order 66, which declared all Jedi enemies of the state, became a major operation for Homeworld Security. As the 501st Legion, under the command of the new Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Vader, took the Jedi Temple, the Chancellor's office declared martial law. With Palpatine's Declaration of a New Order, in which he dissolved the Republic and claimed the title of Galactic Emperor, the Coruscant Guard was stationed in the Senate Building and Republic Executive Building to ensure a smooth transition of government. The reorganization of the Republic into the Galactic Empire brought significant changes. With the new military authority in place, the Coruscant Guard became independent and was given primacy to police Coruscant, although they continued to rely on the Coruscant Security Force for general support. The Internal Security Bureau had already been established and was combined with elements of the Commission for the Protection of the Republic and the CSF's Anti-Terrorism and detective divisions by order of Palpatine. This new organization became the Imperial Security Bureau (ISB), which took control of all matters related to internal and external security threats.

Behind the scenes

Homeworld Security Command was first introduced in Labyrinth of Evil, a novel by James Luceno published on January 25, 2005. Homeworld Security was also included in The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, published in 2008 by Del Rey. Reviewers of Labyrinth of Evil noted several parallels between the novel and real-world events. One such alleged connection is that the Homeworld Security Command and its new security measures bear a striking resemblance to the real-world U.S. Department of Homeland Security, an agency created to combat terrorist threats.

The fate of Homeworld Security after the formation of the Empire has not been officially confirmed. The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia lists Homeworld Security Command as a Republic organization but does not mention its status during the Empire. Other sources suggest that Homeworld Security's responsibilities were transferred to other agencies. According to Galaxy at War, the Coruscant Guard and the Emperor's Royal Guard assumed law enforcement duties and the coordination of police and military activities on Coruscant, with the Coruscant Security Force providing support. The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia and other sources, including Imperial Commando: 501st, state that the Imperial Security Bureau was given the responsibility of monitoring internal and external threats. Furthermore, Homeworld Security is not mentioned in any sources that take place during the Imperial rule of Coruscant.

