The Rakatan temple, erected by the Rakata of the Infinite Empire, was located on the planet Honoghr. Resembling other Rakatan temples, for instance the Temple of the Ancients situated on Lehon, its sanctity was fiercely guarded by the indigenous Noghri, who revered the Rakata as deities. Functioning as a demilitarized zone, the temple provided neutral territory for the planet's diverse clans.
In the era of the Clone Wars, the Noghri utilized the temple as a storage location for the Scientific Instrument Package recovered from the debris of the Gahenna. They concealed the SIP within a chamber defended by venomous hyperdarts. Jedi General Rii'ke En endeavored to penetrate the temple, but he and his clone trooper met their demise at the hands of its guardians. Subsequently, Aayla Secura and CC-5052 successfully accomplished En's objective—albeit with questionable assistance from Quinlan Vos—and made off with the SIP, having neutralized the temple's assault droids and surmounted its security measures.