Rii'ke En, a male Human being, achieved the rank of Jedi Knight and fought for the Galactic Republic as a general during the period known as the Clone Wars. In the year 20 BBY, En, along with the cruiser under his command, engaged the Separatist cruiser named Gahenna above the planet of Honoghr. The Gahenna's mission was to transport a defoliant toxin known as Trihexalophine1138, which the Separatists intended to deploy on the world of Naboo. After the Separatist ship suffered a crash landing on Honoghr, En, accompanied by a clone trooper from his unit, ventured to the planet's surface to recover the Scientific Instrument Package, which contained vital data about the virus. En eventually located the SIP within an ancient Rakatan temple, where it had been taken by the local Noghri inhabitants. After successfully infiltrating the temple, En transmitted a report to Jedi Knight Aayla Secura. However, he and his clone trooper companion were ambushed by the Noghri guardians of the temple, which unfortunately led to both of their deaths.
Born in the waning decades of the Galactic Republic, Rii'ke En was a male Human. He underwent training in the ways of the Force by the Jedi Order and rose to the rank of Jedi Knight. When the Clone Wars commenced in 22 BBY, En served as a Jedi General within the Grand Army of the Republic.

During 20 BBY, En and the cruiser he was in command of engaged in combat with a Separatist core ship, identified as the Gahenna, above the planet of Honoghr. The Gahenna was tasked with transporting the defoliant toxin Trihexalophine1138, which the Separatists intended to utilize against the inhabitants of Naboo. Following the crash of the battle-damaged Confederate ship on Honoghr's surface, En chose one clone trooper to accompany him on a mission to locate the Scientific Instrument Package. This package held crucial evidence pertaining to the virus, as well as confirmation of the Separatists' plans for its use.
After a three-day search, En and the trooper arrived at the crash site of the Gahenna and discovered that the Noghri inhabitants had recovered the SIP during their salvage operations. En was able to locate the SIP within an ancient Rakatan temple, where the Noghri had secured the package. The Jedi and the clone trooper infiltrated the temple, and En used a comlink to send a report to General Aayla Secura, informing her of the SIP's location. Secura instructed En to hold off on retrieving the device until a backup squad could reach their position. However, the Noghri guarding the temple became aware of En and the clone's presence. En alerted Secura that they had been detected, and then engaged the attacking Noghri, who had already killed the trooper. En was soon overwhelmed and killed by the Noghri. Secura was ultimately successful in completing En's mission by recovering the SIP for the Republic, though the ecosystem of Honoghr was ultimately devastated by the Trihexalophine1138 toxin.
Rii'ke En, a male Human, typically wore brown Jedi robes and wielded a lightsaber powered by a green crystal. He displayed a strong determination to locate the SIP, as it held the key to proving the existence of the 1138 virus and the Separatists' intentions. Even after the clone trooper accompanying him was killed, En continued to fight the Noghri defending the temple until his own demise.
En possessed sensitivity to the Force and utilized a lightsaber in combat. However, his skills were not sufficient to prevent him from being overwhelmed by the Noghri within the Rakatan temple on Honoghr.
Rii'ke En made his first appearance in Republic 68, the sixty-eighth issue of the Star Wars: Republic comic book series. The issue was written by John Ostrander, illustrated by Jan Duursema, and released on August 25, 2004.