Hot air balloon

A balloon, also known as a hot air balloon, was an early type of aircraft that operated using heated air. It involved a large, lightweight bag filled with heated gas, causing it to ascend in the atmosphere. These balloons often included a suspended "gondola" to carry passengers.


Schematics for a basic hot air balloon

The principle that warm air rises above cooler air was utilized to enable a balloon to lift off and become airborne. A typical hot air balloon was composed of three primary elements: a basket or "gondola" for passenger seating, a sizable bag referred to as the "envelope" that contained the lifting air, and a burner to heat the air within the envelope.

In contrast to more contemporary aircraft, hot air balloons lacked steering mechanisms, which could be quite unsettling for those from advanced societies. The burner served as the closest thing to controls, allowing the pilot to control altitude by regulating the heat output. To achieve lateral movement, the pilot needed to understand wind current patterns at different altitudes to select a current that would propel the balloon in the intended direction.

On the Naboo world, the Gungans employed troop carriers based on similar principles. However, instead of a gas-filled bag, they used a dunsenn, a large, buoyant, fish-like creature.


Notably, they saw use on the planet of Lahsbane for traversing its expansive canyons. Due to the Lahsbee/Huhk people's aversion to technology, this represented one of the most technologically advanced forms of aerial transportation on the planet. Gliders also served as a means of crossing the canyons.

A makeshift hot air balloon – constructed from a parachute, a portion of a escape pod hull, and a self-made stove – was employed by Stuart Zissu, R2-D2, C-3PO, and 4B-X on Da'nor to get back to civilization. It met its end when a forced landing during a storm resulted in a crash through the trees.

Sometime in the past, a traveling explorer experienced a balloon crash on top of Explorer's Crag, located on the forested moon of Endor. The indigenous Ewoks later discovered the balloon and used it for their own amusement.

