Hover Transport TC9

The Loratus Hover Transport TC9 served as a cargo-carrying vehicle.


A common mercenary model.

Constructed by Loratus Manufacturing, the TC9 was a swift hover-capable vehicle. This armored transport, designed for troops, featured blasters mounted on its front specifically for anti-armor purposes, and it had the capacity to transport a maximum of six soldiers.


During the initial phases of the Galactic Civil War, the Rebel Alliance utilized it. Later in the war, a group consisting of smugglers and mercenaries connected to the Disciples of Ragnos also employed it. Subsequently, the New Republic employed these transports to rapidly extract friendly individuals, such as escaped prisoners, from enemy installations. During the Battle of Artus Prime, they were used to evacuate both the revolting prisoners and Kyle Katarn.

Landed freelance TC9s in 14 ABY.

In 14 ABY, during a mission to Mos Eisley, Jaden Korr and Kyle Katarn encountered a pair of TC9s. They would encounter them again, when the mercenaries used them for troop transport after they commandeered a cargo tram on Corellia.

