The pursuit of Aurra Sing, a notorious assassin, occurred in 30 BBY. This hunt was initiated following her audacious attack on Coruscant, during which she fatally wounded two Jedi. The Jedi High Council deemed her capture essential and deployed Ki-Adi-Mundi, his apprentice A'Sharad Hett, and Adi Gallia to apprehend her.
The Jedi were caught in an ambush, compelling them to seek refuge within an escape pod located on a jungle planet. Serendipitously, Quarren Senator Tikkes and his companions stumbled upon them, offering the Jedi passage. Soon after, the team encountered the Dark Woman planetside, at which point Sing launched an assault. During the ensuing chaos, Gallia sustained injuries, but Hett successfully shielded Tikkes from Sing and ultimately subdued her. However, Sing managed to flee when a meteor shower forced the group's hasty retreat.
Aurra Sing, once a Padawan, transitioned into a well-known assassin and bounty hunter after pirates abducted her during her apprenticeship. She gained notoriety for killing several Jedi, including Mana Veridi on Kwannot. In 30 BBY, Sing tracked three Jedi within the Coruscant underworld, near the Temple District. It was there that she confronted and killed Jedi Master Peerce and Jedi Knight J'Mikel. However, Sing spared J'Mikel's apprentice, Xiaan Amersu, expressing her desire for the Twi'lek to become stronger for a future rematch.
Growing increasingly concerned about Sing's actions, the Jedi High Council decided to dispatch a team to locate and capture her. However, they rejected An'ya Kuro's request to lead the team because of her past connection to Sing as her former mentor. Instead, they chose to send Ki-Adi-Mundi, his apprentice A'Sharad Hett, and Adi Gallia to find and capture Sing.
After some searching in the Kamdon system, the task force located Sing. However, the assassin ambushed them and destroyed their ship, forcing them to seek shelter in their escape pod. Fortunately, Quarren Senator Tikkes and his entourage discovered their escape pod and offered them refuge, allowing them to join him on a "business deal," a fact he concealed from them. After landing, the team began exploring the terrain. However, the senator's entourage opened fire on a distant figure, ceasing only when she was identified as An'ya Kuro.
After reuniting with Kuro, Sing suddenly arrived on a speeder bike to ambush them and decided on killing each Jedi. Mundi instructed Hett to escort Tikkes and his people to safety on their ship, while he and his fellow Jedi confronted Sing. Gallia successfully used telekinesis to hurl a boulder at Sing, causing her speeder to crash into the forest. Upon further investigation, Gallia discovered that Sing possessed a collection of lightsabers from the Jedi she had murdered. Inspecting the wreckage, she concluded that Sing had survived and was on the move. At that moment, Gallia rushed to assist Hett and Tikkes, but was thrown into the air and injured when stepping on a mine. Mundi rescued Gallia, returning with her and Kuro to the ship, where they found Sing wounded and unconscious after a duel with Hett.
Hett was on the ship with Tikkes, who noticed that his aide Tracton had been killed, and realizing that Sing had snuck aboard. Hett immediately engaged Sing, but tapped into his anger in order to defeat her, remembering that it was Sing who had slain his father on Tatooine only two years previously.
The capture of Sing was a significant victory for the Jedi. However, a meteor shower forced a hasty departure from the planet, and in the confusion, Sing regained consciousness and escaped.
Upon returning to Coruscant, Gallia recovered in the Halls of Healing within the Jedi Temple, while Kuro assumed Hett's training to help him better manage his emotions.