Hutt security droid

Security droids employed by the Hutts, specifically the security droids, were utilized by the ancient Hutts on Varl. This was in an era before the Hutts had acquired numerous species as servants. Thousands of years afterward, the forces of Mika Anjiliac Chiera discovered a hidden collection of these droids, which were by then quite uncommon, on Varl. Mika subsequently refurbished them to serve as guards aboard the Tempest. These droids possessed a resemblance to Hutts, though they were more slender, featuring two arms and elongated heads situated atop segmented, snakelike bodies. Every droid was equipped with an enhanced sensor suite, motion sensors, sonic sensors, a vocabulator, a blaster carbine integrated into one of its arms, and a vibroblade built into its other arm. Instead of Basic, the droids communicated in Huttese.

Behind the scenes

Considering that it's stated that these droids originate from a period when the Hutts possessed a limited number of servant species, it's possible that they are pre-Republic designs that predate the Treaty of Vontor.

