A hydro transfer conduit could be described as boxy, brown equipment, characterized by a ribbed area under its top and multiple wires extending downward along its sides. In the year 13 BBY, two L-1g general purpose droids were in the process of taking apart a hydro transfer conduit located near the Coronet-SFS-14 factory within Coronet City on the planet Corellia; their goal was to remove a minnow obstruction. The droids briefly paused their disassembly work to observe a high-speed chase involving three speeder vehicles as they sped by.
The 2018 Anthology movie, Solo: A Star Wars Story, featured a hydro transfer conduit. Its identification was made in Solo: A Star Wars Story The Official Guide, a reference source authored by Pablo Hidalgo. The speeder chase scenes on Corellia in Solo were filmed at either Fawley Power Station or Tilbury, both of which are situated in England.